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Kathrine Jackson er IKKE længere værge for MJ's børn! TJ Jackson er midlertidig værge - har retten bestemt!

#1 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 25 July 2012 - 07:43 PM

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UPDATE: Katherine's lawyer, Perry Sanders, said he would oppose any effort to make TJ the permanent guardian. Sanders said he had no basis for believing Katherine was kidnapped. Sanders says he thinks this whole thing was a "giant misunderstanding." When Katherine returns to L.A., he says he will file a motion to reinstate Katherine as guardian. Perry says Randy assured him Katherine was coming home today.

Sanders says TJ was the "logical person" to become temporary guardian. Sanders says he believes TJ will be thrilled to handle the guardianship mantle back to Katherine when she returns, but that's not the way it sounded in court.

We're live outside the courthouse where a judge named TJ Jackson temporary guardian of Michael Jackson's three children -- and SUSPENDED Katherine Jackson's guardianship.

#2 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 25 July 2012 - 07:44 PM

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11:06 AM TJ's lawyer was just advised to have TJ move to get PERMANENT GUARDIANSHIP of the kids. It should be filed in the next 48 hours.


Before Beckloff appointed TJ ... TJ's lawyer said TJ had a strange phone call with Katherine yesterday and TJ said, "I've never heard my grandmother talk like that." TJ added, "She wasn't sharp. The pauses, choice of vocabulary ... she has not used certain phrases like that before." TJ thought she was talking in code. As TJ addressed the court, he was choking up.

Beckloff said this was not a power play by TJ and ordered the Michael Jackson Estate to give TJ the funds necessary to take care of security and anything else that's needed for the children.

Before Beckloff appointed TJ, the lawyer for MJ's kids said the kids all support TJ getting temporary guardianship.

The lawyer for the MJ Estate just said the executors are very concerned for the kids and Katherine.

The judge said Katherine was not suspended for wrongdoing, but that she was prevented from doing her guardianship duties by "intentional act from third parties." In other words, the judge smells a rat in the form of Randy, Jermaine and Janet.

10:34 AM The judge just ordered that MJ's 3 kids NOT be removed from California without a court order. The judge added that TJ should file a petition for PERMANENT GUARDIANSHIP. The judge said in addition to giving Diana Ross notice, they must also give notice to Debbie Rowe.

10:33 AM Katherine's lawyer, Sandra Ribera, just said she (Sandra) has been to the house several times recently and she believes Katherine has been held against her will.

10:31 AM TJ's lawyer, Charles Shultz, just told the court, Katherine is unavailable and all they want is a temporary guardianship so he seems to be saying Ross is an unnecessary party. Shultz also said there was an "incident" at the Calabasas house last night that escalated. He added TJ is unsure Katherine is acting voluntarily

10:29 AM The Judge will not hear TJ's petition, BECAUSE no one notified Diana Ross, who is Katherine's successor to guardianship under Michael's will.

10:13 AM -- The hearing is underway. Before getting to TJ's petition, Judge Mitch Beckloff is handling several other MJ Estate matters.

TJ Jackson -- Tito's son -- is about to enter the probate court in downtown L.A., along with an army of lawyers, trying to get temporary guardianship of Michael Jackson's 3 kids.

Katherine's lawyer, Perry Sanders, tells TMZ, "This is a very tense time when of course we don't feel Mrs. Jackson should be removed as guardian and we would vigorously oppose that on anything other than an extremely short-term basis, until she returns home."

We're also told Katherine had high blood pressure before she skipped L.A., and the spa visit did her good. But TJ doesn't think it did the kids any good.

#3 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 25 July 2012 - 07:45 PM

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There's a reason TJ Jackson had a lawyer prepare legal papers to make him the temporary guardian of Michael Jackson's kids -- he has already partially assumed that role ... and he even has the Kim Kardashian stamp of approval.

TMZ broke the story ... TJ became alarmed when Katherine Jackson -- the current legal guardian -- disappeared for more than a week.

Jackson sources tell us ... TJ -- the 34-year-old married son of Tito -- has had a strong connection to Paris, Prince and Blanket for years, but was especially comforting after MJ died.

One example ... at the Michael Jackson tribute show in Wales, Katherine was by herself in a private area, far from the kids. TJ was in full dad mode, helping Blanket tie his shoes, helping Prince tie his tie. He made sure the kids were fed during the concert, which lasted for hours.

Kim Kardashian, who dated TJ for 4 years, tells friends, of all the Jacksons ... TJ was the closest to Michael and his kids. She says TJ had a "father-like" relationship with Michael's kids, adding, "He's a very honest and trustworthy person and everyone knows he'll do the right thing."

Paris, Prince and Blanket adore TJ and are behind the temp guardianship move, and that's something that will weigh heavily with the probate judge.

We're told TJ is in wait mode -- to see what happens with Katherine. But the papers are drafted and he's ready to make his move in court

#4 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 25 July 2012 - 08:20 PM

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Med øjeblikkelig virkning har Michael Jacksons tre børn Paris på 14, Prince på 15 og 'Blanket' på ti fået ny værge, nemlig deres 34-årige fætter TJ Jackson - Jackson Five-bror Titos søn. Således er popkongens mor Katherine Jackson sat fra bestillingen.

Efter Katherine Jackson i ti dage har været i Arizona, mens de tre børn, hun er ansvarlig for, blev i familiehjemmet i Californien, tog familieretsdommer Beckloff en overraskende beslutning.

Han tog således øjeblikkeligt forældremyndigheden fra Katherine Jackson og gav den i stedet til Paris', Prince' og lille 'Blanket's 34-årige fætter T.J. Jackson - Tito Jacksons søn.

Dommeren antydede også, at Janet, Randy, Jermaine og flere af de andre Jackson-søskende havde bragt Katherine Jackson fra Californien til Arizona imod den gamle dames vilje. Og han rettede derfor ingen anklager imod Katherine Jackson, som salig Michael Jackson selv udpegede som værge.

Og før Katherine Jackson, der stadig er i Arizona, får forældremyndigheden igen, skal både gudmor Diana Ross og mindst to af de tre børns biologiske mor Debbie Rowe kontaktes.

Ifølge BTs kilder er det et skænderi om Michael Jacksons efterladte formue på godt 500 millioner dollar, der igen har bragt splid i familien.

#5 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 25 July 2012 - 09:35 PM

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Dramaet i Jackson-klanen kulminerede onsdag, da en domstol i Los Angeles fyrede Michael Jacksons 82-årige mor, Katherine Jackson, som værge for børnene Paris, Prince og Blanket.

Dommer Mitch Beckloff overdrog i stedet myndigheden til Tito Jacksons 34-årige søn, TJ, der nu skal leve op til det store ansvar.

TJ blev udpeget som midlertidig værge for popkongens tre børn efter et bizart drama, hvor Katherine Jackson angiveligt blev bortført af nogle af sine børn og tilbageholdt i et hus Arizona.

Paris slog mandag alarm på Twitter:

- Jo, min farmor er stadig forsvundet. Jeg har ikke talt med hende i en uge og jeg vil have hende hjem nu, tweetede hun.

TJ gik til domstolen, efter at han havde haft en telefonsamtale med Katherine Jackson, hvor hun virkede ’usammenhængende' og 'talte i kode’.

- Jeg har aldrig hørt bedstemor tale sådan før. Hun var ikke skarp, sagde en dybt berørt TJ under retsmødet.

Både Paris, Prince, Blanket og Michael Jacksons bobestyrere bakker op om beslutningen, der betyder, at børnene skal flytte ud af Katherine Jacksons hjem.

Sønnens sidste ønske
Det var Michael Jacksons sidste ønske, at hans mor skulle have ansvaret for hans tre børn. Det var en opgave, hun med stor stolthed har påtaget sig siden sønnens død for tre år siden.

Domstolen slår også fast, Katherine Jackson ikke har gjort noget forkert. Hun har alene fået frataget myndigheden over børnene, fordi ’en tredje part’ har forhindret hende i at udføre sin opgave.

Denne tredje part er ifølge TMZ børnene Randy, Janet, Jermaine og Rebbie, der ifølge Katherine Jacksons advokat, Sandra Ribera, i dagevis har tilbageholdt deres gamle mor mod hendes vilje.

Vil have børnene tilbage
Michael Jacksons søskende er angiveligt utilfredse med, at popkongen efterlod hele arven til Katherine Jackson og de tre børn. 'Bortførelsen' skulle være et led i en plan, så de kan overtage styringen af testamentet.

Katherine Jackson har dog ikke tænkt sig at lade sig kue. En anden advokat, Perry Sanders, siger, at den hårdtprøvede bedstemor vil kæmpe for at få børnene tilbage hurtigst muligt.

#6 Bruger er offline   themjj Ikon 26 July 2012 - 04:37 AM

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Michael Jackson's mother is "devastated" his children have been "taken away" from her while she was vacationing in Arizona and she's returning to Los Angeles to be reunited with them today, she told ABC News exclusively.

"I am devastated that while I've been away, my grandchildren have been taken away from me, and I'm coming home," Katherine Jackson said.

Watch the full story on "Nightline" tonight at 11:35 p.m. ET/PT

Speaking to ABC News' cameras from the Miraval Arizona Report & Spa in Tucson, Ariz., where the 82-year-old Jackson family matriarch had been resting for at least a week, Katherine Jackson also addressed the uncertainty concerning her whereabouts.

Katherine Jackson is the guardian of her late son Michael Jackson's children -- Prince, Paris and Blanket -- but they reportedly have not been heard from her in days. In the meantime, there are reports of disputes among Jackson family members at Katherine Jackson's Calabasas, Calif., home.

"There are rumors going around about me that I have been kidnapped and held against my will," Katherine Jackson said. "I am here today to let everybody to know that I am fine."

"My children would never do a thing to me like that, holding me against my will," she added. "It's very stupid for people to think that."

At Katherine Jackson's side during the taped statement, which she read from paper, were her children Rebbie, Jermaine and Janet Jackson. Also sitting next to her was Rebbie Jackson's daughter, Stacy, and a representative from the resort.

While reading the statement, Katherine broke off a couple of times and family members helped her find her place.

ABC News was not allowed to ask the family questions.

RELATED: TJ Jackson Named Temporary Guardian of MJ's Kids

Katherine Jackson said a court ruling today that made TJ Jackson -- the son of Michael Jackson's brother, Tito Jackson, and grandson of Katherine Jackson -- the temporary guardian of Michael Jackson's children was "based on a bunch of lies."

She said her stay in Arizona at the Miraval was a "short vacation and rest."

"There's a lot of lies that have been put out there and I am going home to straighten them out, and this kind of stuff doesn't make sense," she said.

As for not calling her grandchildren for days, Katherine Jackson said, "One reason I didn't call is I just gave up my phone and I didn't want to have any phone calls while I was here."

Another brother of Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, said in an earlier interview that their sister, Rebbie Jackson, was with their mother, Katherine Jackson, at the resort and kept her cell phone with her. Michael Jackson's children knew they could call their Aunt Rebbie's phone to reach the group at any time, Randy Jackson said.

Click to the next page to read Katherine Jackson's full statement to ABC News.

Transcript of Katherine Jackson's Statement to ABC News:

Hello, I'm Katherine Jackson, and there are rumors going around about me that I have been kidnapped and held against my will.

I am here today to let everybody know that I am fine and I am here with my children, and my children would never do a thing to me like that, holding me against my will. It's very stupid for people to think that.

But anyway, I am devastated that while I've been away, that my children, my grandchildren, have been taken away from me, and I'm coming home to see about that, also.

So I spoke to my grandson, TJ, last night, that I left there to be in charge of my children -- and I never leave home without leaving them with instructions of who to stay there with them, the nanny and all of them -- and someone had let go the cook, the nanny, and also the housekeepers. I don't know who did that but they don't have that power and they shouldn't have done it.

And now, the people are saying they are there with nothing to eat. I am sure they have something to eat but it's probably not healthy because the cook is not there.

But since I have also been away, my guardianship, which I just said, my children, have been taken away from me, my guardianship has been taken away from me. And, but, I spoke to my grandson TJ and also I spoke to Prince and Paris last night and told him I would be home today and they're waiting for me to come.

And I told him it wasn't necessary for him to go down and sign for guardianship. ... I don't know who instructed him to do that -- but that's what, but he wanted me to come home before that happened, but the ruling in court today was about the guardianship and I think it was based on a bunch of lies, but I have a good idea who's doing that and who's behind that.

But I am grateful for my children that they saw that I needed rest and they wanted to take me away for a while, just a short vacation and rest up. But one thing I have to say ... that I'm here at Miraval. They have taken good care of me and have made sure that I got the rest that I needed.

One reason I haven't called is I just gave up my phone and I didn't want to have any phone calls while I was here.

My assistant, Janice Smith, have been calling back home to see how things were going and she had been keeping in contact with my nephew, I mean my grandson, and he says everything is going fine. But I was still thinking about the children and I still worry about them, but they are fine.Before I left, as I said, I put everything in order with the appropriate people to take care of my children for me and it's really bad to hear that what's going on at home, and the children have been taken away -- but I know that ... I'll get there in time to get them back. And after I finish this, I will be on my way home.

I have to thank Miraval again for taking very good care of me and making sure I got good rest.

We don't get much -- we saw an electric show because it was lightening and we saw a rainbow.

I had a very good time here -- and if anyone wants to rest I think they should come here.

Because there's a lot of lies that have been put out there and I am going home to straighten them out and this kind of stuff doesn't make sense. So I want to say goodbye and I am on my way home.
RIP Beautiful Michael!

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