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Planer om NYT MJ ALBUM ! Kommer snart.

#41 Bruger er offline   Mj Kid Ikon 17 May 2010 - 08:34 PM

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Læs IndlægKatie, på 17 May 2010 - 07:41 PM, sagde:

Fedt med noget nyt :D Men hvorfor udgive det nu??

hvorfor ikke?
You make me speechless..
Fra Theodor :)
Mj du var min barndom, du er min nutid og du bliver min fremtid.

#42 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 18 May 2010 - 02:33 PM

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Fra smooth_criminal05 fra MJJC:

Just got off the phone with my source, thought I would update you guys. As of right now there are no breaking developments with the new album.

-Sony is waiting on the estate to finalize the tracklist.

-McClain is mostly in charge I'm told, and his team is going through the tracks trying to create a perfect album. (as perfect as you can get with out-takes and unreleased songs)

-Work has begun on the booklet with some pictures being selected.

-Sony is still deciding on what to do with these 12 songs founded last month that are not part of the deal. I'm told a deal could be made for them as early as next week or sometime in June. Apparently Sony is still going through the tracks which are being presented by Cascio. Some of the songs are "very MJ", written and composed solely by him with others co-written. While these tracks are not global smash hits, they are more for MJ fans with personal elements sprinkled all through the song. There are 12 100% completed songs. Considering how MJ's fan base has grown since his death, Sony is betting the songs will be hits but is approaching the purchase very carefully.

-I am told news of the songs will be made more public soon with a potential bidding war heating up. Cascio I am told is shopping around going to Universal, and even Live Nation as well as Sony looking for the best offer. If Sony wins, expect some of these tracks to hit the new album in November.

-The estate is aiming to have 10-12 songs on the new album still with a HUGE marketing campaign that is set to include a "phenomenal" internet presence, television ads, billboards, magazine ads, and other artists promoting it through television appearances, etc.

#43 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 28 May 2010 - 04:19 PM

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Smooth_Criminal05 fra MJJC:

Another update from my source. Progress on the album is as follows:

-Album is on schedule, and maybe even ahead of schedule. A release date in November is most probable HOWEVER if things continue to roar along at this speed a late October release is now being looked at.

-The Cascio recordings WILL be purchased by Sony, no bidding war is expected. As a result, and here is the big one many of you wanted to know: some of those tracks (at least 1 at this point, but potentially more) will be included on the new album.

-First single still aimed to be released in the last half of August. Not confirmed what song this will be.

-Another Day still looks poised to make the cut

-Jerkins material from 2002-2003 will be on the albums (both).

-There will be multiple global singles released from the album

-Promotion will be huge for this project and begin in August

-There are between 20 and 25 unreleased songs from the Invincible time frame that are complete and release ready.

-The estate, including the Cascio tapes now have over 80 unreleased MJ songs in their possession.

-The second half of 2010 will be back to MJ mania in terms of hearing his name on the television, radio, billboards, etc. Sony is anticipating this album to be very successful.

*Next week I'm going to ask my source specifically regarding the visual aspect of these singles including music videos. Many fans have expressed concern that the singles with no videos will not be as popular. I am told that Sony and the MJ estate have a plan for this, but I hope to gain more knowledge as to what that plan might be.

#44 Bruger er offline   Mj Kid Ikon 28 May 2010 - 04:21 PM

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OMG hvor lyder det bare feeedt!! :P
You make me speechless..
Fra Theodor :)
Mj du var min barndom, du er min nutid og du bliver min fremtid.

#45 Bruger er offline   Soulmate Ikon 28 May 2010 - 06:36 PM

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Jeg bliver simpelthen så glad når jeg læser det her! :moremore:
Glæder mig for sindsygt til at høre nyt :mike:

#46 Bruger er offline   Jacqueline Ikon 28 May 2010 - 07:53 PM

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Hvor lyder det bare fedt!!
Glæder mig som et lille barn!
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I pray for you every day.

Don't waste your time on the past, no, no
It's time you look to the future
It's all right there if you ask
This time if you try much harder
You'll be the best that you can be!

- On the line

#47 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 07 June 2010 - 11:38 AM

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Fra Smooth_Criminal05 på MJJC:

I am told 2012 will be a very busy year for MJ releases. This year is dedicated towards the new album which will leak into the first half 2011. Also, Off The Wall will be re-issued in 2011. Then in 2012 we have the following releases (this is the talk at the estate right now);

-Bad 25 with remixes, a new booklet, new cover, and 1-2 new songs

-Bad tour live in Wembley issued to DVD

-A Cirque Du Soleil Album towards the end of the year when the first Vegas show begins.

Based on this, it seems highly unlikely the second new album would be out in 2012. If I were to personally guess, I'd say 2013 before we see the next album, either that or mid 2011 as a Part 2 to the first. My source is saying 2011-2012, but I'd still say 2013 seems most realistic. No confirmation though, this is purely speculation. Right now, the focus is on this new album coming out this fall.

Bad Tour fra WEMBLEY !! - Det er den bedste nyhed længe! Jeg frygtede de ville udgive Yokohoma '87 eller en anden concert vi allerede har i god kval, men en '88 koncert er så fedt. Set-listen er en anden og der er meget mere energi! - ENDELIG får vi noget godt. Da SONY valgte at udgive Dangerous Bucharest var det den største skuffelse nogensinde. Den var ude i god kval, alle fans havde den allerede, plus det var den koncert der tidligere havde været vist i TV verden over.

BAD WEMBLEY !! - Jubii. Håber den også kommer på Blu-Ray. :moremore: :moremore:

#48 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 07 June 2010 - 11:39 AM

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Lige lidt ekstra:

there will be two albums of NEW material coming out over the next 5 years. The first will be in 2010, the second will either be in 2011 or 2012. There is some timing issues with the Cirque Du Soleil album which will be released in 2012 also. I am also told a third album may also be released around the 2016-2017 timeframe. The total songs they plan to use with the three albums plus updated releases of previous albums is around 40. That would leave another 40-50 finished songs in the vault for future release over the next 25 years. That's what I'm told. They want new material being released well into the future to keep MJ's legacy alive for future generations.

Ser ud til vi får en masse nyt materiale indenfor en overskuelig fremtid!

#49 Bruger er offline   Jacqueline Ikon 07 June 2010 - 01:03 PM

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jeg kan ikke VENTE til BAD wembley!! :o
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I pray for you every day.

Don't waste your time on the past, no, no
It's time you look to the future
It's all right there if you ask
This time if you try much harder
You'll be the best that you can be!

- On the line

#50 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 07 June 2010 - 02:01 PM

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Kan ikke vente på 2012. Det blir et fantastisk år.
Jeg får min Juridiske Kandidateksamen og en hel masse nyt MJ ser det ud til. Bliver et fantastisk år.

#51 Bruger er offline   Soulmate Ikon 07 June 2010 - 07:04 PM

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Sikke nogle opløftende nyheder - gid 2012 var lige om hjørnet ;)

#52 Bruger er offline   Gregers Ikon 08 June 2010 - 09:43 PM

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Yeah endelig... Bad Tour i god kvalitet på DVD!
Besøg min side:
25. June 2009: The Day The Music Died!

#53 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 11 July 2010 - 05:24 PM

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Originally Posted by smooth_criminal05
I can confirm the song, A Place With No Name will make the album, in addition to Another Day. Just got that in this morning from my source.

#54 Bruger er offline   Pierre Jackson Clasen Ikon 11 July 2010 - 07:23 PM

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Jeg har læst at hvis der skulle udgive en ny cd med MJ så sku den hedde MJ09...
Og der sku være følgene nummer på cd´en:

1. The Kid.
2. Broken
3. Systematic.
4. MJ09- interlude.
5. They Keep Talking featuring Janet Jackson.
6. Girl of my Dreams.
7. Never Touched.
8. Wonderland.

Så må vi håbe at det er sandt.....

#55 Bruger er offline   Mj Kid Ikon 11 July 2010 - 07:28 PM

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Læs IndlægPierre Jackson Clasen, på 11 July 2010 - 08:23 PM, sagde:

Jeg har læst at hvis der skulle udgive en ny cd med MJ så sku den hedde MJ09...
Og der sku være følgene nummer på cd´en:

1. The Kid.
2. Broken
3. Systematic.
4. MJ09- interlude.
5. They Keep Talking featuring Janet Jackson.
6. Girl of my Dreams.
7. Never Touched.
8. Wonderland.

Så må vi håbe at det er sandt.....

hmmm, tror ikke det passer. hvad jeg har læst kommer albummet til at indeholde ca. 12-15 sange, ingen af de nævnte der har jeg hørt/læst før, og så lyder titlen underlig :/
men der er mange albumse som skulle være udgivet i 2006, 2008... DE SKAL SNART FRIGIVES! :(
You make me speechless..
Fra Theodor :)
Mj du var min barndom, du er min nutid og du bliver min fremtid.

#56 Bruger er offline   Fowsia Ikon 11 July 2010 - 08:23 PM

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New Info On Upcoming Album

Later this year - late November if all goes as planned - a posthumous CD by the King of Pop will be released. When it hits stores, the CD of previously unreleased music may include a song called "A Place With No Name." The track features Jackson's amazing voice singing such wistful lyrics as "plants and birds and rocks and things."

The song is Jackson's re-write of "A Horse with No Name," the very popular 1972 debut single from the group, America. The fact that a musical powerhouse like Jackson thought enough of the original song to rework it is a compliment that surprises the man who wrote it, Dewey Bunnell, original America band member.

"I had heard about it a couple of years ago, before Michael passed," Bunnell says. "After his death, I forgot about it. Now it seems the song will come out this year, and the credits will read 'Michael Jackson and Dewey Bunnell.' It's pretty amazing."

Various sources have said that an album of previously unreleased material is, in fact, in the works for later this year as part of the new contract between Sony and Michael Jackson's estate.
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In my seach to find myself, i saw your face and nothning else.

Follow your dreams, and don't let anybody stop you

#57 Bruger er offline   HeavenCanWait Ikon 12 July 2010 - 02:25 PM

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Jorden har mistet et smukt menneske. Himlen har fået en engel.
Karina nu lyser du på himlen om kap med stjernerne ♥
Jeg vil altid elske dig og du vil altid være i mit hjerte ♥♥♥ :'(

Member of the "I wear my Michael Jackson-addiction with pride"-club
Member of the "Michael Jackson is innocent"-club

"If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same,
then everything that happens in between can be dealt with" - Michael Jackson

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#58 Bruger er offline   mystix Ikon 12 July 2010 - 04:52 PM

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Læs IndlægHeavenCanWait, på 12 July 2010 - 03:25 PM, sagde:


Meget! :D Har egentlig ret så blandede følelser omkring dette med nyt materiale. Jeg vil gerne høre det hele, men er nervøs for, når Michael nu ikke har haft chancen for at lægge the finale touch på numrerne, at det måske vil ødelægge lidt af hans musikgeni rygte i fremtiden for folk der ikke ved det er demo'er og sådan..
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You're always in my heart <3

#59 Bruger er offline   Jacqueline Ikon 12 July 2010 - 06:46 PM

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Læs Indlægmystix, på 12 July 2010 - 05:52 PM, sagde:

Meget! :D Har egentlig ret så blandede følelser omkring dette med nyt materiale. Jeg vil gerne høre det hele, men er nervøs for, når Michael nu ikke har haft chancen for at lægge the finale touch på numrerne, at det måske vil ødelægge lidt af hans musikgeni rygte i fremtiden for folk der ikke ved det er demo'er og sådan..

Nu er det jo også sådan, så vidt jeg har orinteret mig, at der er en masse sange, der faktisk er færdiggjorte også. så jeg tror ikke det kun er halvfærdige sange vi kommer til at høre mere om, men derimod også færdiggjorte sange som ikke kom med på hans tidligere albums :beeming:
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I pray for you every day.

Don't waste your time on the past, no, no
It's time you look to the future
It's all right there if you ask
This time if you try much harder
You'll be the best that you can be!

- On the line

#60 Bruger er offline   mystix Ikon 12 July 2010 - 07:05 PM

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Læs IndlægJacqueline, på 12 July 2010 - 07:46 PM, sagde:

Nu er det jo også sådan, så vidt jeg har orinteret mig, at der er en masse sange, der faktisk er færdiggjorte også. så jeg tror ikke det kun er halvfærdige sange vi kommer til at høre mere om, men derimod også færdiggjorte sange som ikke kom med på hans tidligere albums :beeming:

ja DET har jeg også hørt :D Glæder mig ihvertfald :P
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You're always in my heart <3

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