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Fanfic: untitled - so far dedikeret til Nanna (NayNay)

#1 Bruger er offline   michaelsmelody Ikon 03 February 2010 - 10:10 PM

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Jeg sad i toget på vej hjem til Nanna, og jeg havde aldrig mødt hende før, og lige pludselig blev jeg bare overvældet af en fanfic der bare var nødt til at blive skrevet, så here it is. I love you, Nanna :wub:

It was starting to get dark outside, and Nanna looked at her watch. What was taking them so long?
She was in London with her family, and it had been an hour since they left their hotel room to find some take-out from down town. She was starting to get hungry, and impatience had taken off long ago.
She sat on the huge bed and started to flip through the British channels. It quickly got boring, so she turned on MTV, turned up the volume and took a shower.
When she was done her family still hadn’t shown, so she decided to write and note and go out and explore the hotel.
She looked at the door behind her, and turned to walk down the red velvet carpet that covered the hall. She didn’t know where to go, so she just followed wherever the long corridors would lead her.
She ended at a stop where five corridors met in a little circle with a silk covered couch, and a little table with only a vase holding a single sunflower. The striped wallpaper housed a small painting pf a ship in a storm, painted in dark colors.
She stood for a while to find out whether she would be able to find her way back, if she chose to continue down one of the unexplored corridors.
The she heard a distant sound. It was the sound of boys laughing and playing around. The voices got closer as her curiosity rose. Now she had to stay and checkout what boys it was. The only other she had seen on their hotel was elderly couples and business looking men in suits with briefcases.
So she sat on the beige sofa and waited, trying to look casual by grabbing the book she had brought.
Down the hall in front of her came three dark boys.
Two of them large and broad, the last one a bit smaller, looking more breakable. All three of them with short, dark curls and wide grins, wearing black slacks. The two large boys were wearing checked shirts, open down to the chest. They looked around 25 years old. They were really more men than boys, but their eyes and smiles were so childlike that she couldn’t categorize them as anything but large boys.
The last boy was who caught Nanna’s attention right away. He looked so tiny next to the other two, who visibly were his brothers. He was wearing black slacks, a red knitted vest and a cream shirt with the arms folded to the elbows. When visualized in the dark of the hall it was like something hit Nanna hard in the guts.
He couldn’t be much older than her. Tops around 20. But he was so gracefully, his movements were almost fluid, and his walk was almost a floating. Like he was levitating over the floor.
He chuckled a bit of a joke she didn’t hear, and gave her a hesitant smile, as he blushed and hurried to look at the small painting on the other wall.
She could feel her own cheeks blush, as she returned his glance, and suddenly found it necessary to study her nail polish.
The two large boys had started a brotherly fight and started to chase each other down the hall she came from.
The girl continued to pretend that she was reading, even though she was acutally frozen on the spot.
The remaining boy sat down on the sofa as far from her as he could. “I… I’m sorry. I hope my brothers didn’t disturb your reading,” the black boy said, not looking at her. “Uhm… not at all, I was just finishing,” Nanna answered in a weak voice, as she started to look for her bookmark.
The shy boy looked at her book as he raised one eyebrow. “You like Stevie?” he asked hesitating. The book was Stevie Wonder’s autobiography. Nanna nodded as she dared a curious look at him. “You do too? Not many young people does.” He threw her a wide grin that flashed a line of perfect, white teeth in an amazing contrast to his ebony skin.
“I’m afraid we didn’t have a proper introduction,” he laughed, as he offered her his right hand. “Hi, I’m Michael. I’m from America, and I am 20 years old.” She shook his hand with a shaking feeling inside. “I’m Nanna, and I’m from Denmark. I’m 15. I’m here on vacation with my family. What about you?” She replied, as she let her fingers play with her bookmark. She couldn’t really put a finger on it, but there was something different about this boy. He was not like other boys, like other people. It was like there was something magical in his eyes, mixed with sadness.
“My family and I are here to wok. We’ve got a family band and we’re in London to give some concerts.” His eyes flickered around as he mentioned the family band. It felt like he wasn’t comfortable talking abort it, so she tried changing focus of the conversation.
“How long are you staying?” she hurried to ask. “I’m not sure, really,” he replied. “It depends on Joseph.”
The sadness in his eyes grew. She got curious, and had a quick, silent debate with herself whether to bug him with her curiosity, or to leave him rest from the sorrow. But as it often happened with her, she let her curiosity take over, and then let it take whatever it would. “Who’s Joseph?” she asked, letting her eyes pierce into his, but he was clearly trying to avoid her intense glance.
“Uhm… Joseph? Well… he’s my father, and our band manager…” The look on his face and the sound in his voice made her swallow and regret the question. It was very obvious that he weren’t that confident to talk about his father. Even though his reply raised more questions than it answered she decided to let it go.
It was like he was older than his age. His way of talking and his body language made him seem like a perfect gentleman from the 19th hundreds, like his mind and way of talking was from another time.
Her curiosity kept rising, and even though she knew that she had to get back to her own room, she couldn’t tear her attention away from this strange, young boy.
“Which way are you going?” he asked, with his voice trying to get her focus away from the subject that was his family. She couldn’t help but feeling the urge to give him a comforting hug. But she contained herself.
“This way” she said and threw her head in the direction of the corridor his brothers had disappeared in. Their voices had been gone for quite some time now, but she hadn’t got the time to think about them.
“I should probably be going the same way,” he said with a crooked smile. “To make sure those two aren’t going to turn the entire hotel upside down.” He gave childish laughter, and got to his feet. She followed his lead and got up.
They started walking down the long hall, none of them saying a word. With every breath she drew she could feel the sweet smell that could only be coming from him.
She couldn’t stop thinking that it seemed like he was both a very young boy, and a very grown-up man in a teenagers body.
They reached the door to her room, and she stopped. “This is me,” she said and turned to face him. It was kinda akward, and she didn’t know what to say or do. She wanted to see him again, but she didn’t dare to ask.
“When are you headed back home?” he asked with his head down, studying the carpet.
She thought about it for a while. She had lost track, because she was totally taking aback by his question. “I don’t know, really” she said, hesitating. “There’s been a bit confusement about it. What about you?” He stole a short look at her, but hurried it down to the floor again.
“I don’t know either. Joseph doesn’t tell us those kinds of things,” he replied in a low voice. “Oh yeah, Joseph, you mentioned that…” she said, with a grimace.
But all the sudden he looked up, and let his eyes intensify in hers. “Will I see you again?” he asked in a way that easily could have sounded desperate. It gave her a feeling of having a lump in her stomach.

ja, den er så ikke færdig.
Men jeg ved ikke lige hvordan den skal fortsætte.. any ideas? :rolleyes:

Skrevet Billede

That just makes me a dumb human like you.

#2 Bruger er offline   NayNay Ikon 03 February 2010 - 10:24 PM

  • It's called Michaelicious
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Læs Indlægmichaelsmelody, på 03 February 2010 - 10:10 PM, sagde:

Jeg sad i toget på vej hjem til Nanna, og jeg havde aldrig mødt hende før, og lige pludselig blev jeg bare overvældet af en fanfic der bare var nødt til at blive skrevet, så here it is. I love you, Nanna :wub:

It was starting to get dark outside, and Nanna looked at her watch. What was taking them so long?
She was in London with her family, and it had been an hour since they left their hotel room to find some take-out from down town. She was starting to get hungry, and impatience had taken off long ago.
She sat on the huge bed and started to flip through the British channels. It quickly got boring, so she turned on MTV, turned up the volume and took a shower.
When she was done her family still hadn’t shown, so she decided to write and note and go out and explore the hotel.
She looked at the door behind her, and turned to walk down the red velvet carpet that covered the hall. She didn’t know where to go, so she just followed wherever the long corridors would lead her.
She ended at a stop where five corridors met in a little circle with a silk covered couch, and a little table with only a vase holding a single sunflower. The striped wallpaper housed a small painting pf a ship in a storm, painted in dark colors.
She stood for a while to find out whether she would be able to find her way back, if she chose to continue down one of the unexplored corridors.
The she heard a distant sound. It was the sound of boys laughing and playing around. The voices got closer as her curiosity rose. Now she had to stay and checkout what boys it was. The only other she had seen on their hotel was elderly couples and business looking men in suits with briefcases.
So she sat on the beige sofa and waited, trying to look casual by grabbing the book she had brought.
Down the hall in front of her came three dark boys.
Two of them large and broad, the last one a bit smaller, looking more breakable. All three of them with short, dark curls and wide grins, wearing black slacks. The two large boys were wearing checked shirts, open down to the chest. They looked around 25 years old. They were really more men than boys, but their eyes and smiles were so childlike that she couldn’t categorize them as anything but large boys.
The last boy was who caught Nanna’s attention right away. He looked so tiny next to the other two, who visibly were his brothers. He was wearing black slacks, a red knitted vest and a cream shirt with the arms folded to the elbows. When visualized in the dark of the hall it was like something hit Nanna hard in the guts.
He couldn’t be much older than her. Tops around 20. But he was so gracefully, his movements were almost fluid, and his walk was almost a floating. Like he was levitating over the floor.
He chuckled a bit of a joke she didn’t hear, and gave her a hesitant smile, as he blushed and hurried to look at the small painting on the other wall.
She could feel her own cheeks blush, as she returned his glance, and suddenly found it necessary to study her nail polish.
The two large boys had started a brotherly fight and started to chase each other down the hall she came from.
The girl continued to pretend that she was reading, even though she was acutally frozen on the spot.
The remaining boy sat down on the sofa as far from her as he could. “I… I’m sorry. I hope my brothers didn’t disturb your reading,” the black boy said, not looking at her. “Uhm… not at all, I was just finishing,” Nanna answered in a weak voice, as she started to look for her bookmark.
The shy boy looked at her book as he raised one eyebrow. “You like Stevie?” he asked hesitating. The book was Stevie Wonder’s autobiography. Nanna nodded as she dared a curious look at him. “You do too? Not many young people does.” He threw her a wide grin that flashed a line of perfect, white teeth in an amazing contrast to his ebony skin.
“I’m afraid we didn’t have a proper introduction,” he laughed, as he offered her his right hand. “Hi, I’m Michael. I’m from America, and I am 20 years old.” She shook his hand with a shaking feeling inside. “I’m Nanna, and I’m from Denmark. I’m 15. I’m here on vacation with my family. What about you?” She replied, as she let her fingers play with her bookmark. She couldn’t really put a finger on it, but there was something different about this boy. He was not like other boys, like other people. It was like there was something magical in his eyes, mixed with sadness.
“My family and I are here to wok. We’ve got a family band and we’re in London to give some concerts.” His eyes flickered around as he mentioned the family band. It felt like he wasn’t comfortable talking abort it, so she tried changing focus of the conversation.
“How long are you staying?” she hurried to ask. “I’m not sure, really,” he replied. “It depends on Joseph.”
The sadness in his eyes grew. She got curious, and had a quick, silent debate with herself whether to bug him with her curiosity, or to leave him rest from the sorrow. But as it often happened with her, she let her curiosity take over, and then let it take whatever it would. “Who’s Joseph?” she asked, letting her eyes pierce into his, but he was clearly trying to avoid her intense glance.
“Uhm… Joseph? Well… he’s my father, and our band manager…” The look on his face and the sound in his voice made her swallow and regret the question. It was very obvious that he weren’t that confident to talk about his father. Even though his reply raised more questions than it answered she decided to let it go.
It was like he was older than his age. His way of talking and his body language made him seem like a perfect gentleman from the 19th hundreds, like his mind and way of talking was from another time.
Her curiosity kept rising, and even though she knew that she had to get back to her own room, she couldn’t tear her attention away from this strange, young boy.
“Which way are you going?” he asked, with his voice trying to get her focus away from the subject that was his family. She couldn’t help but feeling the urge to give him a comforting hug. But she contained herself.
“This way” she said and threw her head in the direction of the corridor his brothers had disappeared in. Their voices had been gone for quite some time now, but she hadn’t got the time to think about them.
“I should probably be going the same way,” he said with a crooked smile. “To make sure those two aren’t going to turn the entire hotel upside down.” He gave childish laughter, and got to his feet. She followed his lead and got up.
They started walking down the long hall, none of them saying a word. With every breath she drew she could feel the sweet smell that could only be coming from him.
She couldn’t stop thinking that it seemed like he was both a very young boy, and a very grown-up man in a teenagers body.
They reached the door to her room, and she stopped. “This is me,” she said and turned to face him. It was kinda akward, and she didn’t know what to say or do. She wanted to see him again, but she didn’t dare to ask.
“When are you headed back home?” he asked with his head down, studying the carpet.
She thought about it for a while. She had lost track, because she was totally taking aback by his question. “I don’t know, really” she said, hesitating. “There’s been a bit confusement about it. What about you?” He stole a short look at her, but hurried it down to the floor again.
“I don’t know either. Joseph doesn’t tell us those kinds of things,” he replied in a low voice. “Oh yeah, Joseph, you mentioned that…” she said, with a grimace.
But all the sudden he looked up, and let his eyes intensify in hers. “Will I see you again?” he asked in a way that easily could have sounded desperate. It gave her a feeling of having a lump in her stomach.

ja, den er så ikke færdig.
Men jeg ved ikke lige hvordan den skal fortsætte.. any ideas? :rolleyes:

LOVE YOU TO! (: <3

Jeg kan så godt lide den, håber på at drømme det i nat! så kan det også være jeg finder en slutning...? Hæhæ :wasntme:
I would hug you all, if my arms where long enough...
Skrevet Billede

Michael, you will always be rembered by your millions of fans, as a lover, not a fighter.

#3 Bruger er offline   michaelsmelody Ikon 05 February 2010 - 12:09 PM

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Læs IndlægNayNay, på 03 February 2010 - 10:24 PM, sagde:

LOVE YOU TO! (: <3

Jeg kan så godt lide den, håber på at drømme det i nat! så kan det også være jeg finder en slutning...? Hæhæ :wasntme:

Aww, har du så også lagt mærke til at jeg har tilføjet et godt stykke? :beeming:

Skrevet Billede

That just makes me a dumb human like you.

#4 Bruger er offline   NayNay Ikon 05 February 2010 - 01:59 PM

  • It's called Michaelicious
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  • Indmeldt: 14-December 08
  • Gender:Female
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Læs Indlægmichaelsmelody, på 05 February 2010 - 12:09 PM, sagde:

Aww, har du så også lagt mærke til at jeg har tilføjet et godt stykke? :beeming:

Jaaaa :biglaugh:
I would hug you all, if my arms where long enough...
Skrevet Billede

Michael, you will always be rembered by your millions of fans, as a lover, not a fighter.

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