Cascio sangene AL diskussion her
#61 13 December 2010 - 06:09 PM
Jeg må indrømme at jeg er målløs at dette her er trukket så langt ud. Jeg må indrømme at jeg vil være den første til at fryde mig, hvis der en skønne dag kommer beviser frem. Men det er sjovt at en del pludselig ændrer mening om en sang som Keep Your Head Up. Håber at folk ændrer mening fordi de personligt kan høre en forskel og ikke bare går med på bølgen fordi andre siger det.
#62 13 December 2010 - 06:32 PM
clausw, på 13 December 2010 - 05:45 PM, sagde:
Nej, nogen fik nok tvivlen plantet, da et par Jacksons twittede.
ALtså nu havde intet set eller hørt om hvad diverse fra Jackson familien udtalte sig om mht til nogle af sangene djeg hørte Breaking News!
Da jeg hørte Breaking News første gang, tankte jeg på Jason Malachi og ikke Michael Jackson og det burde i mine øjne ikke lade sig gøre med en Jackson-sang, at man hører en ny sang første gang og bare tænker det er ikke ham der synger!
Og skulle det engang vise sig at det ER Michael der synger, så er det noget af det ringeste udtyr de har brugt at optage hans stemme!
13.06.05 REMEMBER This DAY!
#65 13 December 2010 - 07:40 PM
Jeg ændrer ikke min mening fordi andre gør det.. Jeg tror at Michael synger en del af Keep Your Head Up selv, men efter disse sammenlignings videoer, tror jeg at det er mindre Michael på sangen end først antaget..
Tror da ikke at nogen hopper med på en bølge, bare for at gøre det.. Tror da at folk vurderer hvad de selv synes
Håber også at vi får beviser engang... Men tror bare at det kommer til at skabe splid endnu engang. For så vil den gruppe der troede det rigtige, måske begynde at betragte sig selv som bedre fans og sige 'hvad sagde jeg..' Men vi kan jo håbe at folk er mere voksne end det! hehe.. Åh den kaos..
Tror da ikke at nogen hopper med på en bølge, bare for at gøre det.. Tror da at folk vurderer hvad de selv synes
Håber også at vi får beviser engang... Men tror bare at det kommer til at skabe splid endnu engang. For så vil den gruppe der troede det rigtige, måske begynde at betragte sig selv som bedre fans og sige 'hvad sagde jeg..' Men vi kan jo håbe at folk er mere voksne end det! hehe.. Åh den kaos..
Besøg min hjemmeside:
#66 13 December 2010 - 07:43 PM
#67 13 December 2010 - 07:54 PM
Lang men interessant artikel, som sikkert nok bliver jordet haha.:
(Reuters) - Recordings of Michael Jackson's voice on a new album being released this week were far from the finished article and required considerable digital enhancement, according to one of its main producers.
But Teddy Riley, who worked with the King of Pop on several records before his death, believed that "Michael" would go down as a classic, albeit short of the heights of Jackson's heyday in the late 70s and early 80s.
"I had to do more processing to the voice, which is why people were asking about the authenticity of his voice," Riley told Reuters of the first album of new Jackson material since the singer's sudden death 18 months ago.
The project has been mired in controversy since members of Jackson's family were quoted questioning the authenticity of the voice on some tracks and his father's lawyer said the perfectionist would never have wanted the music released.
"We had to do what we had to do to make ... his voice work with the actual music," Riley added in an interview.
"He (Jackson) would never consider it being a final vocal. But because he's not with us he cannot give us new vocals. What we did was utilize the Melodyne (technology) to get him in key.
"With the Melodyne we actually move the stuff up which is the reason why some of the vibrato sounds a little off or processed, over-processed. We truly apologize for that happening, but you are still hearing the true Michael Jackson."
Riley worked on three of the 10 songs on the album -- "Hollywood Tonight," "Monster" and "Breaking News."
The last two were recorded at the New Jersey home of the Cascio family in 2007, along with a third Cascio track "Keep Your Head Up."
It was these recordings that led some to cast doubt over the authenticity of the songs, although Riley, and record label Sony, have been at pains to show they were genuine.
Asked if he would agree to produce future posthumous Jackson material, Riley replied:
"If it was my decision, yes, I would be involved in anything that Michael was involved with. If they will have me I will definitely be a part of it. I'm here, I came out here to be a servant to my friend."
Among the topics Jackson tackles on the new album is people's thirst for fame and the high price of becoming a star.
In Hollywood Tonight he describes the real-life experiences of an unnamed friend who heads to Los Angeles aged 15 to make it in the movies, and in Monster he sings about the paparazzi.
"The Monsters are the ones who, when you're up they come to get you and they beat you down and when they get you down they go to the next artist," Riley said of Monster.
"That's their job, to hit you while you're up and step on you while you're down, and that's what he always said."
Reviews of Michael, which hits British stores on Monday and U.S. stores on Tuesday, have been generally positive.
It is the first album of new Jackson material since "Invincible" in 2001, and the first in a reported $250 million deal between Sony and the executors of Jackson's estate to release 10 albums through 2017.
Riley said much of the negative publicity surrounding the album came from people within Jackson's entourage who did not approve of the project.
"That don't just happen like that, that has to come from somewhere and where it came from was not a great place. It was from a family member, and some family members ... didn't totally get the last say so they kind of hate the project.
"So there you have it, a chain reaction, a domino effect that makes the credibility of Michael go down," he said.
"I am here to protect that, because I know it's him, I know it's great material, I know that it needs to be out, I know that the legacy needs to continue because he's such a great person, and there's more to come."
(Reuters) - Recordings of Michael Jackson's voice on a new album being released this week were far from the finished article and required considerable digital enhancement, according to one of its main producers.
But Teddy Riley, who worked with the King of Pop on several records before his death, believed that "Michael" would go down as a classic, albeit short of the heights of Jackson's heyday in the late 70s and early 80s.
"I had to do more processing to the voice, which is why people were asking about the authenticity of his voice," Riley told Reuters of the first album of new Jackson material since the singer's sudden death 18 months ago.
The project has been mired in controversy since members of Jackson's family were quoted questioning the authenticity of the voice on some tracks and his father's lawyer said the perfectionist would never have wanted the music released.
"We had to do what we had to do to make ... his voice work with the actual music," Riley added in an interview.
"He (Jackson) would never consider it being a final vocal. But because he's not with us he cannot give us new vocals. What we did was utilize the Melodyne (technology) to get him in key.
"With the Melodyne we actually move the stuff up which is the reason why some of the vibrato sounds a little off or processed, over-processed. We truly apologize for that happening, but you are still hearing the true Michael Jackson."
Riley worked on three of the 10 songs on the album -- "Hollywood Tonight," "Monster" and "Breaking News."
The last two were recorded at the New Jersey home of the Cascio family in 2007, along with a third Cascio track "Keep Your Head Up."
It was these recordings that led some to cast doubt over the authenticity of the songs, although Riley, and record label Sony, have been at pains to show they were genuine.
Asked if he would agree to produce future posthumous Jackson material, Riley replied:
"If it was my decision, yes, I would be involved in anything that Michael was involved with. If they will have me I will definitely be a part of it. I'm here, I came out here to be a servant to my friend."
Among the topics Jackson tackles on the new album is people's thirst for fame and the high price of becoming a star.
In Hollywood Tonight he describes the real-life experiences of an unnamed friend who heads to Los Angeles aged 15 to make it in the movies, and in Monster he sings about the paparazzi.
"The Monsters are the ones who, when you're up they come to get you and they beat you down and when they get you down they go to the next artist," Riley said of Monster.
"That's their job, to hit you while you're up and step on you while you're down, and that's what he always said."
Reviews of Michael, which hits British stores on Monday and U.S. stores on Tuesday, have been generally positive.
It is the first album of new Jackson material since "Invincible" in 2001, and the first in a reported $250 million deal between Sony and the executors of Jackson's estate to release 10 albums through 2017.
Riley said much of the negative publicity surrounding the album came from people within Jackson's entourage who did not approve of the project.
"That don't just happen like that, that has to come from somewhere and where it came from was not a great place. It was from a family member, and some family members ... didn't totally get the last say so they kind of hate the project.
"So there you have it, a chain reaction, a domino effect that makes the credibility of Michael go down," he said.
"I am here to protect that, because I know it's him, I know it's great material, I know that it needs to be out, I know that the legacy needs to continue because he's such a great person, and there's more to come."
#70 13 December 2010 - 08:20 PM
Jeg tror bare stadig på, at de har brugt en anden person til at fylde hullerne..
Besøg min hjemmeside:
#71 13 December 2010 - 09:41 PM
Gregers, på 13 December 2010 - 07:54 PM, sagde:
Lang men interessant artikel, som sikkert nok bliver jordet haha.:
(Reuters) - Recordings of Michael Jackson's voice on a new album being released this week were far from the finished article and required considerable digital enhancement, according to one of its main producers.
But Teddy Riley, who worked with the King of Pop on several records before his death, believed that "Michael" would go down as a classic, albeit short of the heights of Jackson's heyday in the late 70s and early 80s.
"I had to do more processing to the voice, which is why people were asking about the authenticity of his voice," Riley told Reuters of the first album of new Jackson material since the singer's sudden death 18 months ago.
The project has been mired in controversy since members of Jackson's family were quoted questioning the authenticity of the voice on some tracks and his father's lawyer said the perfectionist would never have wanted the music released.
"We had to do what we had to do to make ... his voice work with the actual music," Riley added in an interview.
"He (Jackson) would never consider it being a final vocal. But because he's not with us he cannot give us new vocals. What we did was utilize the Melodyne (technology) to get him in key.
"With the Melodyne we actually move the stuff up which is the reason why some of the vibrato sounds a little off or processed, over-processed. We truly apologize for that happening, but you are still hearing the true Michael Jackson."
Riley worked on three of the 10 songs on the album -- "Hollywood Tonight," "Monster" and "Breaking News."
The last two were recorded at the New Jersey home of the Cascio family in 2007, along with a third Cascio track "Keep Your Head Up."
It was these recordings that led some to cast doubt over the authenticity of the songs, although Riley, and record label Sony, have been at pains to show they were genuine.
Asked if he would agree to produce future posthumous Jackson material, Riley replied:
"If it was my decision, yes, I would be involved in anything that Michael was involved with. If they will have me I will definitely be a part of it. I'm here, I came out here to be a servant to my friend."
Among the topics Jackson tackles on the new album is people's thirst for fame and the high price of becoming a star.
In Hollywood Tonight he describes the real-life experiences of an unnamed friend who heads to Los Angeles aged 15 to make it in the movies, and in Monster he sings about the paparazzi.
"The Monsters are the ones who, when you're up they come to get you and they beat you down and when they get you down they go to the next artist," Riley said of Monster.
"That's their job, to hit you while you're up and step on you while you're down, and that's what he always said."
Reviews of Michael, which hits British stores on Monday and U.S. stores on Tuesday, have been generally positive.
It is the first album of new Jackson material since "Invincible" in 2001, and the first in a reported $250 million deal between Sony and the executors of Jackson's estate to release 10 albums through 2017.
Riley said much of the negative publicity surrounding the album came from people within Jackson's entourage who did not approve of the project.
"That don't just happen like that, that has to come from somewhere and where it came from was not a great place. It was from a family member, and some family members ... didn't totally get the last say so they kind of hate the project.
"So there you have it, a chain reaction, a domino effect that makes the credibility of Michael go down," he said.
"I am here to protect that, because I know it's him, I know it's great material, I know that it needs to be out, I know that the legacy needs to continue because he's such a great person, and there's more to come."
(Reuters) - Recordings of Michael Jackson's voice on a new album being released this week were far from the finished article and required considerable digital enhancement, according to one of its main producers.
But Teddy Riley, who worked with the King of Pop on several records before his death, believed that "Michael" would go down as a classic, albeit short of the heights of Jackson's heyday in the late 70s and early 80s.
"I had to do more processing to the voice, which is why people were asking about the authenticity of his voice," Riley told Reuters of the first album of new Jackson material since the singer's sudden death 18 months ago.
The project has been mired in controversy since members of Jackson's family were quoted questioning the authenticity of the voice on some tracks and his father's lawyer said the perfectionist would never have wanted the music released.
"We had to do what we had to do to make ... his voice work with the actual music," Riley added in an interview.
"He (Jackson) would never consider it being a final vocal. But because he's not with us he cannot give us new vocals. What we did was utilize the Melodyne (technology) to get him in key.
"With the Melodyne we actually move the stuff up which is the reason why some of the vibrato sounds a little off or processed, over-processed. We truly apologize for that happening, but you are still hearing the true Michael Jackson."
Riley worked on three of the 10 songs on the album -- "Hollywood Tonight," "Monster" and "Breaking News."
The last two were recorded at the New Jersey home of the Cascio family in 2007, along with a third Cascio track "Keep Your Head Up."
It was these recordings that led some to cast doubt over the authenticity of the songs, although Riley, and record label Sony, have been at pains to show they were genuine.
Asked if he would agree to produce future posthumous Jackson material, Riley replied:
"If it was my decision, yes, I would be involved in anything that Michael was involved with. If they will have me I will definitely be a part of it. I'm here, I came out here to be a servant to my friend."
Among the topics Jackson tackles on the new album is people's thirst for fame and the high price of becoming a star.
In Hollywood Tonight he describes the real-life experiences of an unnamed friend who heads to Los Angeles aged 15 to make it in the movies, and in Monster he sings about the paparazzi.
"The Monsters are the ones who, when you're up they come to get you and they beat you down and when they get you down they go to the next artist," Riley said of Monster.
"That's their job, to hit you while you're up and step on you while you're down, and that's what he always said."
Reviews of Michael, which hits British stores on Monday and U.S. stores on Tuesday, have been generally positive.
It is the first album of new Jackson material since "Invincible" in 2001, and the first in a reported $250 million deal between Sony and the executors of Jackson's estate to release 10 albums through 2017.
Riley said much of the negative publicity surrounding the album came from people within Jackson's entourage who did not approve of the project.
"That don't just happen like that, that has to come from somewhere and where it came from was not a great place. It was from a family member, and some family members ... didn't totally get the last say so they kind of hate the project.
"So there you have it, a chain reaction, a domino effect that makes the credibility of Michael go down," he said.
"I am here to protect that, because I know it's him, I know it's great material, I know that it needs to be out, I know that the legacy needs to continue because he's such a great person, and there's more to come."
Bare fordi Teddy Riley siger det, er det jo ikke ens betydning med at det passer. Jeg tror ikke en meter på ham Det er jo ikke noget nyt at folk backstabber Michael efter hans død pga. penge. Sjovt at han siger vi danner vores mening efter hvad familien har sagt. Jeg kan jo kun tale for mig selv når jeg siger at det har aldrig været tilfældet hos mig, og jeg er ved at være godt træt af at I siger vi danner vores meninger udfra hva' andre fortæller os. Vi danner vores meninger udfra hva' vi hører på numrene, ligesom jer.
Dette indlæg er redigeret af julie: 13 December 2010 - 09:42 PM
#73 14 December 2010 - 12:15 PM
Jesh, på 14 December 2010 - 08:21 AM, sagde:
Jeg kan ikke se hvorfor vi ikke skulle stole på Teddy Riley. Har har ingen interesse i at lyve!!
Hvorfor mener du det? Han har flere gange nu langt op til at han gerne vil producere hele det næste album... Det passer til det tarryl sagde med at riley havde sagt til ham. Med at han ville producere de to cascio sange i håb om at få nogle ægte mj sange. Hvorfor skulle tarryl lyve, han får nemlig absolut intet ud af det, modsat riley.
Derudover gør han helt vilde charme offensiv i hele verden, hvor han gradvist er blevet mere og mere ekstremt sikker ( sidst jeg hørte var det 150% sikker, og han hentydede til at han ville satse sit liv på det) fra et "jeg var der ikke, så jeg kan aldrig vide noget med sikkerhed, men jeg syntes det lyder som mj". Det gør kun at det lyder langt mere mistænkeligt for mig, i min erfæring har folk der lyver en tendens til at over forklare, og gradvist blive mere og mere ekstreme i deres forsøg på at virke helt sikre...
Dette indlæg er redigeret af themjj: 14 December 2010 - 12:30 PM
#75 14 December 2010 - 01:37 PM
#76 14 December 2010 - 02:46 PM
Han blev vel siet fra og er blevet pigesur.
Måske er der ondt blod mellem Cascio og Jackson familierne? Michael fik jo åbenlyst noget fra Cascio familien, som han slet ikke gjorde derhjemme. Han fik lov til at være normal! Måske er der lidt jalousi involveret?
Hvad med produceren af Keep Your Head Up, C Tricky Stewart(?)? Hvad med Bruce Swedien, Neff-U og alle de andre Jackson-samarbejdspartnere, der har hørt vokalerne inden OG sagde det var Michael? Der er simpelthen for mange højt profilerede navne involveret til at det skulle være fup og fiduser.
Hvad med Jackie Jackson, der siger det er et fremragende album?
Måske er der ondt blod mellem Cascio og Jackson familierne? Michael fik jo åbenlyst noget fra Cascio familien, som han slet ikke gjorde derhjemme. Han fik lov til at være normal! Måske er der lidt jalousi involveret?
Hvad med produceren af Keep Your Head Up, C Tricky Stewart(?)? Hvad med Bruce Swedien, Neff-U og alle de andre Jackson-samarbejdspartnere, der har hørt vokalerne inden OG sagde det var Michael? Der er simpelthen for mange højt profilerede navne involveret til at det skulle være fup og fiduser.
Hvad med Jackie Jackson, der siger det er et fremragende album?
#77 14 December 2010 - 03:14 PM
For det første er Keep your head up langt nemmere at blive snydt af hvis man ikke lytter til vibratorerne.
For det andet aner jeg ikke hvad de har sagt, jeg har intet hørt fra dem, kun at Sony har namedroppet dem i en statement hvor de undlod at fortælle at der var folk der mente det ikke var Michael. Når Sonys udtalelse er bevist som udeladende og ensidet, så kan jeg ikke bruge det som et troværdig dokument.
Jeg kan forholde mig til deres udtalelser når de kommer med en udtalelse...
Og eftersom at du er så overbevist om at det er Michael, er det i min optik ikke umuligt at flere hører det du hører, ligegyldigt hvor højt profileret de er.
Jeg er bare dybt uenig, og indtil videre har Riley kun bekræftiget mig i at der er noget helt galt.
For det andet aner jeg ikke hvad de har sagt, jeg har intet hørt fra dem, kun at Sony har namedroppet dem i en statement hvor de undlod at fortælle at der var folk der mente det ikke var Michael. Når Sonys udtalelse er bevist som udeladende og ensidet, så kan jeg ikke bruge det som et troværdig dokument.
Jeg kan forholde mig til deres udtalelser når de kommer med en udtalelse...
Og eftersom at du er så overbevist om at det er Michael, er det i min optik ikke umuligt at flere hører det du hører, ligegyldigt hvor højt profileret de er.
Jeg er bare dybt uenig, og indtil videre har Riley kun bekræftiget mig i at der er noget helt galt.
#79 14 December 2010 - 03:48 PM
clausw, på 14 December 2010 - 02:46 PM, sagde:
Hvad med Jackie Jackson, der siger det er et fremragende album?
Hvor har du det med Jackie fra? For det her er hvad han har sagt på Twitter:
"A lot of you have been asking me about this...."
Tue Nov 09 2010 17:51:20 (Rom, normaltid) via TweetDeck
"My friend John McClain (co-executor) and I have insisted for many weeks to have certain tracks removed from Michael's new album."
Tue Nov 09 2010 17:51:25 (Rom, normaltid) via TweetDeck
"Unfortunately, our concerns were not taken seriously"
Tue Nov 09 2010 17:51:47 (Rom, normaltid) via TweetDeck
#80 14 December 2010 - 04:08 PM
themjj, på 14 December 2010 - 03:48 PM, sagde:
Hvor har du det med Jackie fra? For det her er hvad han har sagt på Twitter:
"A lot of you have been asking me about this...."
Tue Nov 09 2010 17:51:20 (Rom, normaltid) via TweetDeck
"My friend John McClain (co-executor) and I have insisted for many weeks to have certain tracks removed from Michael's new album."
Tue Nov 09 2010 17:51:25 (Rom, normaltid) via TweetDeck
"Unfortunately, our concerns were not taken seriously"
Tue Nov 09 2010 17:51:47 (Rom, normaltid) via TweetDeck
"A lot of you have been asking me about this...."
Tue Nov 09 2010 17:51:20 (Rom, normaltid) via TweetDeck
"My friend John McClain (co-executor) and I have insisted for many weeks to have certain tracks removed from Michael's new album."
Tue Nov 09 2010 17:51:25 (Rom, normaltid) via TweetDeck
"Unfortunately, our concerns were not taken seriously"
Tue Nov 09 2010 17:51:47 (Rom, normaltid) via TweetDeck
Hvis de "namedropped" personer intet har sagt offentligt, er det vel fordi de er enige? Hvis de ikke havde været der eller havde sagt det modsatte, så havde de vel brokket sig?
Dette indlæg er redigeret af clausw: 14 December 2010 - 04:12 PM