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Hvad går det her nu ud på????

#1 Bruger er offline   Neomjj Ikon 16 January 2006 - 03:51 PM

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Fortæl mig det her er en joke!! :angry2:

14/01/2006 17:23:15 Even More details Of The Alleged Allegations

Jackson has been accused, at various times in his career, of molesting children, breaking contracts and stealing songs. Rarely, if ever, has he been accused of doing all three at once.

Now a recent lawsuit hits the trifecta, alleging the pop star sexually abused a boy in the 1980s and 1990s, lifted lyrics and melodies from the child, who was as young as 2 at the time of the reputed plagiarism, and reneged on a deal to pay for the songs.

Perhaps making the lawsuit at least a quadfecta, Jackson, 47, is also accused of burning, beating, and torturing the then-child, and forcing him to undergo "unnecessary cosmetic surgery procedures."

"I've got photos of my client with these red lips just like you see on Mr. Jackson, and a big old cleft on his chin which he didn't have previously," Michael Mattern, an attorney for the alleged victim, who's now 20, said, according to London's Guardian.

The lawsuit, filed by Daniel Kapone, according to Los Angeles' City News Service, comes complete with details of the alleged molestation: The masturbation, the tongue being stuck down the throat, the anal penetration "by force." (A copy of the lawsuit was posted Thursday at

According to the lawsuit, Jackson's accuser was exploited by the entertainer from 1987 until 1999, when Kapone was 14. The allegedly stolen songs were featured on at least four Jackson albums, it says, beginning with 1987's Bad, which was released when Kapone was 2. The complaint does not say which tracks Jackson allegedly plagiarized from the then-toddler.

The lawsuit, seeking unspecified damages from Jackson, his production company and his record label, was originally filed in Orange County, California, in July, reports said. The New York Post smoked it out in Monday's edition, speculating that the complaint was able to avoid making headlines for so long because the first version was "handwritten, paper-thin" and "included no details, or even a lawyer representing the plaintiff."

A beefed-up version of the lawsuit was registered with the court in October. The 22-page complaint does not lack for details, citing numerous alleged transgressions, ranging from child molestation to breach of contract to the trampling of civil rights. In the latter instance, Jackson is accused of hurling anti-Semitic insults at Kapone, who is said to be Jewish.

A call seeking comment from Jackson's spokeswoman was not returned Thursday. Attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr., who successfully defended the singer from criminal molestation charges last year, told that the accusations in the lawsuit "are ridiculous on their face," and that they "will be vigorously defended."

According to the Post, authorities in Santa Barbara County, California, who put Jackson on trial for allegedly molesting a Los Angeles teen, knew of Kapone's allegations, but "didn't believe his story would stand up in court."

A hearing on the lawsuit has been scheduled for Feb. 14, CNS said.

Source: E Online

#2 Bruger er offline   Mette*lil Ikon 16 January 2006 - 05:02 PM

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Ja, det har jeg også undret mig lidt over!!

Nogen der ved, hvad fanden det her er for noget?

Dette indlæg er redigeret af Mette*lil: 16 January 2006 - 05:02 PM

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#3 Bruger er offline   Smarties Ikon 16 January 2006 - 05:11 PM

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Ja, det læste jeg godt forleden. Jeg ved ikke rigtig hvad det er - andet end det vi kan læse os frem til :erm:
Knuz Carina

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R.I.P. Michael Joseph Jackson 29 August 1958 - 25 June 2009

I'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart

#4 Bruger er offline   Gregers Ikon 16 January 2006 - 05:28 PM

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Jeg synes det er så latterligt, at folk bare prøver at blive ved med nye beskyldninger hele tiden. Synes helt klart det er klogt af Michael at rejse væk fra USA, som han skulle have gjort for længst, de prøver hele tiden at jorde ham, det er simpelthen umenneskeligt! Det skal stoppes!
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25. June 2009: The Day The Music Died!

#5 Bruger er offline   Dirty Diana Ikon 16 January 2006 - 05:29 PM

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Ja, jeg har også læst noget af det før, men det er så absurd at det er første gang at jeg har læst det færdigt. Det kan simpelthen ikke tages seriøst.

#6 Bruger er offline   Gregers Ikon 16 January 2006 - 05:46 PM

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HAr fundet mere om sagen på nettet, drengen har ikk engang mødt Michael, der er intet at frygte, sagen har allerede været oppe en gang før!

Jan 14, 2006(press release) The King Of Pop, Michael Jackson, has been accused of sexual molestation once again. Before you pass judgment, commentator Pearl Jr. and I dug up the truth behind this matter.

In March of 2004, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) launched a criminal investigation after, then, 18-year-old Daniel Kapone made allegations of sexual abuse. After a two-month investigation, the LAPD cleared Jackson of all accusations, finding the accuser and allegations not credible.

It has been reported that in November of 2004, victim's rights attorney, Gloria Allred, represented Kapone. Then months later when Allred discovered that Kapone had never met the pop star, Allred quickly dropped Kapone as her client.

The next month after Jackson was acquitted and found “Not Guilty” on all counts in his 2005 child molestation trial, on July 25, Kapone filed a handwritten, paper-thin, lawsuit with little or no details. At that time, Kapone had no legal representation. Then, in October 2005, Kapone re- submitted his lawsuit, this time with an official document and an attorney. In the lawsuit obtained by, Kapone filed suit against Jackson, his company MJJ Productions, and SONY Music Corp. Also, the suit listed 1-200 defendants. Kapone’s attorney, Matthew Mattern listed 20 charges stemming from child molestation, plagiarism, and violation of certain civil rights.

Kapone claims that from 1987, when he was two, until December 1999, Jackson sexually molested him, stole his music, and forced him into having cosmetic surgery. The suit claims that Jackson stole songs for the 1987 album "Bad." From the time-line supplied, Kapone would have to be 6 months old, writing songs for the album with the most number-one hits in music history. Kapone also says that Jackson stole songs and released them on the albums "Dangerous," "HIStory: Past, Present, and Future," and "Blood on The Dancefloor." Furthermore, Kapone claims that Jackson gave him drugs and alcohol.

Even though Kapone wanted to testify as an “1108” witness in Jackson's 2005 trial, he did not because when he was interviewed by Santa Barbara County District Attorney, Tom Sneddon and Deputy- District Attorney, Ron Zonen, BOTH decided NOT to have Kapone as a witness because his allegations were simply too unbelievable.

To date, Michael Jackson’s archenemies Tom Sneddon, Ron Zonen, and Gloria Allred have all passed on this witness due to these outrageously far- fetched claims. With this in mind, who is attorney Matthew Mattern--some type of thrilled seeking, self- serving, ambulance chasing, money hungry lawyer trying to grab his 15 minutes of fame by taking on a case that Michael’s worst enemies won’t even touch.

Lastly, Kapone sold his story for an undisclosed amount to a Brithish tabloid. It was published on May 29, 2004. Kapone also is a part of the high school gang "Messed Up Friends Club" and he was named "head lyncher." Kapone told the tabloid that he was being molested from the age of three [1988] until nine [1994]. But in the lawsuit he says that he was being molested from the age of two [1987] until fourteen [1999]. Making the ridiculous even more ludicrous!

A court hearing is scheduled for February 14, 2006 in Orange County Superior Court. From the evidence that MJNS has seen, it is clearly evident that these charges are, like always, absolutely ridiculous.

MJNS called Jackson's spokeswoman, Raymone Bain and was told that these allegations are 1000% false, fabricated, and made up. We also called Jackson's personal attorney, Brian Oxman, and was told these allegations are “absolutely ridiculous and this is one of the prices you have to pay for being Michael’s a very sad price to pay.” Thomas A. Mesereau, Jr., who successfully defended Jackson at his 2005 trial was reported as saying that “these allegations are ridiculous on their face and that they will be vigorously defended."

(news from Elbow Grease Productions)
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25. June 2009: The Day The Music Died!

#7 Bruger er offline   christinawendy Ikon 16 January 2006 - 05:55 PM

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selvom det selvfølgelig er dødseriøst bliver jge nu alligevel nødt til at grine..det er så latterligt. manden burde få noget hjælp...tydeligt lider han af en paranoid psykose
michael jackson-the father of the worlds children

#8 Bruger er offline   clausw Ikon 16 January 2006 - 07:39 PM

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De er skøre de amerikanere :rolleyes: :lol:
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#9 Bruger er offline   Sunshine Ikon 16 January 2006 - 08:17 PM

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"I've got photos of my client with these red lips just like you see on Mr. Jackson, and a big old cleft on his chin which he didn't have previously," :lol: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...
Man går sgu da ikke under kniven for at få røde læber. Man køber en læbestift! :hide:

"Allred discovered that Kapone had never met the pop star"
:erm: Hm.. men det ændrer da ikke noget. Bare fordi de aldrig har mødt hinanden, kan Michael da godt have fysisk misbrugt ham.. :rolleyes: :hide: ha ha ha...
"Don't worry Kapone, I believe in you" ha ha ha..

"Tom Sneddon and Deputy- District Attorney, Ron Zonen, BOTH decided NOT to have Kapone as a witness because his allegations were simply too unbelievable."
:eek: WHAT!? Selveste Sneddon synes at han er for langt ude!?... :lol: :lol: HA HA HA HA nej nu må jeg le!
Den dreng må da være virkelig være ringe!

"handwritten, paper-thin" and "included NO DETAILS, OR even a LAWYER representing the plaintiff."
"Don't worry, i'm still by your side, you've just been traumatised by the man you've never met!" ha ha

"The complaint does not say which tracks Jackson allegedly plagiarized from the then-toddler."
Hm.. ja det gør det jo ikke just nemmere at dømme ham for det så..

"The suit claims that Jackson stole songs for the 1987 album "Bad." From the time-line supplied, KAPONE WOULD HAVE TO BE 6 MONTHS OLD, writing songs for the album with the most number-one hits in music history."
:smart: Jamen det er da heller ikke usædvanligt for et 6 MÅNEDERS barn at skrive sange. Det er jo i den alder at man topper musikalsk... eller noget..

Dette indlæg er redigeret af Sunshine: 16 January 2006 - 08:21 PM

Michael Jackson is MY king!

MJ: "I'm married to my fans" <3.

Carry the Disney Magic in your heart <3.

#10 Bruger er offline   Jesh Ikon 17 January 2006 - 08:37 AM

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Anything for money!!
You are always in my heart.......
Keep the Faith

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