The Moo-Walkers Forum: Interview med David Nordahl - The Moo-Walkers Forum

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Interview med David Nordahl

#1 Bruger er offline   Sille Ikon 11 February 2011 - 05:59 PM

  • Moo-Medlem
  • Ikon
  • Gruppe: Members
  • Indlæg: 1039
  • Indmeldt: 16-August 09
  • Gender:Female
  • Location:Randers


Midt på siden kan du lytte til interviewet. OBS - er langt

Små uddrag:

Sitting and talking to Michael I would look into his eyes and I could see for 1,000 miles. He had these most incredible eyes. They come off good on film, but nothing like in person. When you're actually sitting across there looking at him. Those eyes were unbelievable. There were times it would just stop me in my tracks and there were times I'd be around him where I'd kind of forget who he was and then it would dawn on me....'I'm sitting here next to Michael Jackson.' I never really got over that. There were times he would do these quick little step things and they were like lightening. It was just so quick, so precise and just amazing." :wub:

"He was so much fun to be around. It wasn't all darkness. We'd laugh so much. He had a great sense of humor, loved practical jokes....We'd be walking along and he'd break out into song. But not like Michael Jackson. He would sing like it was a man in the shower, just singing. I hated to see that joy go out of his life because he was a very joyful person. He was a happy person and just great fun to be around."
Skrevet Billede

#2 Bruger er offline   AJackson :D Ikon 11 February 2011 - 06:25 PM

  • Ansi
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  • Gruppe: Members
  • Indlæg: 740
  • Indmeldt: 02-November 10
  • Gender:Female
  • Location:Nordsjælland

Smukt :give_rose:
(har lige læst uddragende)

I LOVE YOU, MICHAEL :give_rose: :wub:
There is no sunlight, 'cause we've lost you, Michael
Just like the clouds our eyes do the same
You passed away...
And everyday it rains...
We'll never moonwalk alone

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