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Mj's Uk residence

#1 Bruger er offline   Justice Ikon 28 March 2009 - 01:39 PM

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Jacko’s chiller nightsBy RICHARD WHITE

Published: Today

THRILLER star MICHAEL JACKSON will stay next to HAUNTED CAVES during his 50-concert stint in London this summer.
Jacko, 50, has paid £1million to rent a 28-bedroom Kent mansion on the edge of an ancient 22-mile maze of spooky passageways.

Countless ghost sightings have been reported at the caves which were dug in chalk by the Saxons, Druids and Romans.

Now Jacko will move into the nearby manor in late June.

A property source said: “His team signed up this week to stay there.

“We’re not sure if he knows about the caves but they’re all around.”

New haunt ... caves near hideaway

The star sent aides to find the perfect country retreat before his first gig in London on July 8.

The three-storey pile — built in the 1800s — has quarters for 20 staff as well as an underground cinema, music room, indoor swimming pool, lake and private wood.

And the singer, who will be flown there after each of his shows, is taking no chances with security.

Ghosthunters will be prevented from straying on to Jacko’s spread by CCTV cameras and state-of-the-art alarm systems.

The source added: “It is a luxury fortress.

“But if he wants to get into the spirit of things before singing Thriller each night, he should take a wander underground. It’s terrifying.”

Source:The Sun
Prejudice is ignorance!!

#2 Bruger er offline   Kaffekop Ikon 28 March 2009 - 02:57 PM

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Det kunne ligne ham med sådan noget skræmmende noget der :) han kan godt lide lidt gys og gru :P

Dette indlæg er redigeret af Kaffekop: 28 March 2009 - 02:58 PM

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