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Dispelling the lies about Michael Jackson: "Stop it now!"

#1 Bruger er offline   letloverule Ikon 28 May 2010 - 07:02 PM

  • Moo-Baby
  • Ikon
  • Gruppe: Members
  • Indlæg: 7
  • Indmeldt: 28-April 10

An organization named “Stop it now!” which aim is to prevent sexual childhood abuse has taken it upon itself to spread lies and calumnies against Michael Jackson. Not only are their actions illegal, but they are simply despicable. As an adult child of abusive parents and the proud sponsor of the 501-c3 charity, “Dreamcatchers for abused children” through the sales of my book written in memory of MJ and all abused children, “Have You Seen My Childhood: In Memory of Michael Jackson”, I find these false accusations offensive and the sign of a lack of integrity and poor judgment. I therefore demand that this company not only retracts its statements but also present their apologies to Michael’s family and fans. Below is the post I added on their FB site and will be circulating all around until they have done what is right.

“I am a writer and yoga therapist. I support Dreamcatchers for abused children through my book sales. I was abused as a child and I know the pain and suffering of childhood abuse. I have worked very hard on myself to heal myself and try to heal the world. The fact that you could slander Michael Jackson's name the way you do is really a very sad thing. It shows a total lack of awareness on your part. How do you want people to support such a worthy cause when you yourself are hurting others by dispelling media-fed lies and prejudices? Rather than feeding on such ignominies, you should spend some time self-introspecting and researching the most beautiful character and humanitarian we'd had the chance to have on this planet. Be humble and grateful for a man who supported more charities and helped more children than any other celebrity before him. If the media told you that Mother Teresa molested children would you believe it too? A genius' “eccentricity” is no more a sign of being a sexual abuser than the fact that being "black" is a sign of being "Inferior"! Let's get real here! Look within yourself, and realize that however you choose to see Michael is just a projection of your own fears and insecurities. Michael would never have touched a little child inappropriately, because he was pure and he respected their essence. He loved children genuinely and enjoyed their company more than that of adults, simply because he knew how adults could be. A genius and a man of God finds it hard to live around people of low awareness and children are the closest thing to truth and God... That's why Michael loved them... because they don't buy into $3.99 lies, because they are not brain-washed by OK magazine, judges and officials whose own distorted minds try to project themselves onto the light of innocence... I have infinite patience and do not ever engage in controversy, but I had to tell you right here to please stop this non-sense. You are only hurting yourself. When Judgment Day comes and you are face-to-face with yourself, with your soul, and you see what wrong you have done to a pure soul, you will see the light of day... I hope you get to your senses, look yourself in the mirror and shape up now because no matter what you think, karma is karma, and what goes around comes around... So, rather than bringing harm into the world, let LOVE and TRUTH shine through”
Alessandrina Lerner

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