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Bruger er offline Jun 22 2017 02:04 AM

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Ikon   MichaelJackson-ilu solskin gør mig deprimeret ):

Om Mig

'Losing you is like living in a world with no air'!!!!!! That's all I can say, It's so hard for me to breathe .. really .. Michael I miss you so much ..

Everything I do, I do for you.
You're the sun in my life; you're the bright shining star that leads the way
I love you more than words can say.
The happiness you've brought in to my life, I thank you for
you're the person I mostly adore.
You give me passion, you give me hope
you are like my own dope.
Your voice is like angels singing
what is that gift that you are bringing?
You can dance, and you can sing
you are our only king.
You're like a god, so heavenly
what is it that they just can't see?
You're innocent like a little child,
but on stage you were wild.
I love everything about you Mike,
the way you walked, talked, danced and sang.
You were an angel living on earth,
it just didn't work.
Cause people believed the horrible LIES,
couldn't they see it in your eyes?
It's not who you are,
You were more than just a star.
They always misunderstood you, and your love for children,
you always tried to help other people, and suddenly they started accusing you for being a pedophile, just to get your money ..
Why do they think that it's funny?
You were so caring, loving and talented,
There will never be another like you.
The worlds greatest entertainer of all time,
the hottest, sweetest and most adorable person ever.
I don't know how to describe the perfect you, but I know only the best will do.
I know it's better on the other side, but why did you have to go now .. *sigh..*
R.I.P my sweet angel
I will love you, no matter what
and that love for you will never stop.
'Losing you is like living in a world with no air'!!!!!! That's all I can say, It's so hard for me to breathe .. really .. Michael I miss you so much .. :'( <3

Min Information

Medlems Titel:
30 år gammel
August 18, 1994
Michael Jackson!!! <3
Diverse k-pop artister(snsd, dbsk, f(x), 2NE1, F.t. Island osv) <3
Mine venner :D
Tegne, male ^^;

R.I.P Michael Joseph Jackson! We love you <3

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