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MJ podcast med Laura og Bjørn her fra Moo! Episode 4.5 er ude - ELIZABETH TAYLOR MEMORIAM

#21 Bruger er offline   ElinsJackson Ikon 24 January 2011 - 12:30 PM

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Elsker jeres podcast !!! Bjørn og Laura styrere <3 <3 Love you both :give_rose:

Og jeg ELLLLSKER episode 3, man bliver lidt vild når man høre den * fløjte fløjte* hihih..

Og det er en ære, at være med i jeres podcast :) - I ved hvor i finder mig, hvis i har brug for nogle tøser igen :')
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#22 Bruger er offline   Smilla Ikon 24 January 2011 - 05:55 PM

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Jeg kan ikke høre den :shakehead: Jeg har prøvet flere gange, men hver gang siger den at jeg skal have itunes... Hallååå, jeg har sq itunes og kan få lov at købe musik og det hele. Men ikke jeres podcast :wallbash: :wallbash:

#23 Bruger er offline   ElinsJackson Ikon 24 January 2011 - 06:00 PM

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Læs IndlægSmilla, på 24 January 2011 - 04:55 PM, sagde:

Jeg kan ikke høre den :shakehead: Jeg har prøvet flere gange, men hver gang siger den at jeg skal have itunes... Hallååå, jeg har sq itunes og kan få lov at købe musik og det hele. Men ikke jeres podcast :wallbash: :wallbash:

Der kommer et livestream, hvor hele episoden bliver spillet i aften :b
klokken 8 pm ? hvad er det, i dansk tid ?
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#24 Bruger er offline   Gregers Ikon 24 January 2011 - 06:01 PM

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Er det ikke muligt at få lagt nogle mp3 filer ud med jeres podcasts?
Besøg min side:
25. June 2009: The Day The Music Died!

#25 Bruger er offline   AJackson :D Ikon 24 January 2011 - 07:04 PM

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Læs IndlægBjoernClausen, på 24 November 2010 - 07:53 AM, sagde:

ATTENTION! Denne episode er ikke for små børn! :drooling:

KRAM TIL MOO'S! Håber I kan lide den! <3

Æv :(
Jeg vil høre det alligvel! -Hvis jeg kan finde ud af det xD
There is no sunlight, 'cause we've lost you, Michael
Just like the clouds our eyes do the same
You passed away...
And everyday it rains...
We'll never moonwalk alone

#26 Bruger er offline   BjoernClausen Ikon 15 March 2011 - 07:19 PM

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The Legend Lives On

EP 04 - Who Is It? The Cascio Songs

At last! The 4th episode of the official MJJCommunity podcast has finally been released! This fourth chapter has the Cascio tracks as a central topic, as the hosts are joined by two special guests to discuss the voices, the songs and the controversies!

We also exclusively reveal information about the big MJJCommunity fan event in 2012!

Also in this podcast:
- Janet's memories of Michael
- MiJac Publishing moves
- Hollywood Tonight and Behind The Mask singles
- Next main topic: The BeLIEvers - is Michael Jackson alive?

How to listen to the podcast:

The show has been added to the iTunes Store, so if you like the podcast, we would love your reviews on there!

To follow the podcast in iTunes, do the following:
1) Follow this link:
2) Choose "Open in iTunes"
3) Choose "Subscribe to podcast"
4) And the podcast will download automatically!

To follow the podcast using RSS:
1) Use your favourite RSS client, and enter this adress: http://mjjcommunity....nd_Lives_On.xml

Then you will automatically be notified when new podcast episodes are published.

Also now available for the members of MJJC you will all be able to listen via the integrated Radio And TV player here on the forum simply click on your upper nav bar and choose MJJC Podcast in the station list.

The hosts Laura and Bjørn would love you feedback!
To contact them, you can:

Follow them on Twitter:!/legendliveson

Send them an email:

Also. Please, please, please review us on iTunes! The more reviews we get, the more people will find the podcast! THANKS!

So what are your thoughts on this episode?

Until next time, Keep Michaeling! :punk:

- Laura and Bjørn...

Moooooh-ligvis Verdens Største Michael Jackson-fan! The King of Pop, King of Rock and King of Soul!
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Moooooh-ligvis Verdens Største Michael Jackson-fan! The King of Pop, King of Rock and King of Soul!

#27 Bruger er offline   AJackson :D Ikon 15 March 2011 - 08:16 PM

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Det ærger mig altså at det er engelsk... xD
There is no sunlight, 'cause we've lost you, Michael
Just like the clouds our eyes do the same
You passed away...
And everyday it rains...
We'll never moonwalk alone

#28 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 15 March 2011 - 08:53 PM

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Glæder mig til at høre det.

#29 Bruger er offline   Neomjj Ikon 17 March 2011 - 12:07 AM

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Hvor er det fedt jeg vil også gerne være med i Podcast :P

#30 Bruger er offline   WillYouBeThere Ikon 17 March 2011 - 01:28 AM

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Super resultat! :) Sig endelig til, hvis I kan bruge mig en anden gang. :)

Btw: Jeg eeelsker "Tweet it"!! Hvor er det genialt!! :D

#31 Bruger er offline   themjj Ikon 18 March 2011 - 08:57 AM

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BEDSTE PODCAST to date! :Urock: :imbad: :boogie: :thumbup: :buddies: :biglaugh: :moremore: :drooling: :upsidedown: :puppyeyes: :give_rose:

RIP Beautiful Michael!

check out my photoart at
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#32 Bruger er offline   BjoernClausen Ikon 23 March 2011 - 12:14 PM

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Læs IndlægWillYouBeThere, på 17 March 2011 - 01:28 AM, sagde:

Super resultat! :) Sig endelig til, hvis I kan bruge mig en anden gang. :)

Btw: Jeg eeelsker "Tweet it"!! Hvor er det genialt!! :D

Haha! Synes også dén var lidt sjov! xD TAK!

Og du var super god at have med! Ham Søren er en utroligt sympatisk fyr. ;)

Læs Indlægthemjj, på 18 March 2011 - 08:57 AM, sagde:

BEDSTE PODCAST to date! :Urock: :imbad: :boogie: :thumbup: :buddies: :biglaugh:


Tjark! Er glad for at du synes om den!

- - -

Næste episode er optaget for et par dage siden! Den bliver totalt langt ude! Bogstavligt talt! Den handler om BeLIEvers! :biglaugh:
Moooooh-ligvis Verdens Største Michael Jackson-fan! The King of Pop, King of Rock and King of Soul!
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Moooooh-ligvis Verdens Største Michael Jackson-fan! The King of Pop, King of Rock and King of Soul!

#33 Bruger er offline   BjoernClausen Ikon 24 March 2011 - 10:38 AM

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The Legend Lives On

EP 04.5 - Beauty Queen From A Movie Scene
(In Memoriam of Elizabeth Taylor)

In the wake of the beautiful Elizabeth Taylor's passing, Laura and Bjørn discuss, in the special episode of MJJCommunity's official podcast, the woman, the icon and the friend that was Dame Elizabeth Taylor.

Elizabeth, we love you!

Also in this podcast:
- Charity song coming?
- The fans' personal messages to Elizabeth
- The son's statement
- Next main topic: The BeLIEvers - is Michael Jackson alive? (Coming in a week or so)

How to listen to the podcast:

The show has been added to the iTunes Store, so if you like the podcast, we would love your reviews on there!

To follow the podcast in iTunes, do the following:
1) Follow this link:
2) Choose "Open in iTunes"
3) Choose "Subscribe to podcast"
4) And the podcast will download automatically!

To follow the podcast using RSS:
1) Use your favourite RSS client, and enter this adress: http://mjjcommunity....nd_Lives_On.xml

Then you will automatically be notified when new podcast episodes are published.

Also now available for the members of MJJC you will all be able to listen via the integrated Radio And TV player here on the forum simply click on your upper nav bar and choose MJJC Podcast in the station list.

The hosts Laura and Bjørn would love you feedback!
To contact them, you can:

Follow them on Twitter:!/legendliveson

Send them an email:

Also. Please, please, please review us on iTunes! The more reviews we get, the more people will find the podcast! THANKS!

So what are your thoughts on this episode?

Until next time, Keep Michaeling! :punk:

- Laura and Bjørn...

Moooooh-ligvis Verdens Største Michael Jackson-fan! The King of Pop, King of Rock and King of Soul!
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Moooooh-ligvis Verdens Største Michael Jackson-fan! The King of Pop, King of Rock and King of Soul!

#34 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 25 March 2011 - 10:37 AM

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Det var i hurtige til. Glæder mig til at høre det.

#35 Bruger er offline   themjj Ikon 25 March 2011 - 11:41 AM

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Jeg fik tårer i øjnene igen da jeg hørte jeres podcast. Det er super dejligt at i tog jer tid til at gøre det.

Såvidt jeg ved var deres første kontakt da Elizabeth tog til en Jacksons koncert, men gik igen pga for dårligt udsyn. Da Michael hørte at hun var gået, troede han at det var optræden hun ikke kunne lide, og ringede til hende for at høre hvad det var. Hun forklarede at det alene var fordi hun intet kunne se og de havde åbenbart så god en samtale at venskabet voksede derfra.
RIP Beautiful Michael!

check out my photoart at
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#36 Bruger er offline   HeavenCanWait Ikon 28 March 2011 - 01:48 PM

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Damn jeg er bagud nu - må hellere få downloadet hurtigst muligt de 2 nyeste :)

Jorden har mistet et smukt menneske. Himlen har fået en engel.
Karina nu lyser du på himlen om kap med stjernerne ♥
Jeg vil altid elske dig og du vil altid være i mit hjerte ♥♥♥ :'(

Member of the "I wear my Michael Jackson-addiction with pride"-club
Member of the "Michael Jackson is innocent"-club

"If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same,
then everything that happens in between can be dealt with" - Michael Jackson

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