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Retsagen mod Murray

#21 Bruger er offline   Sille Ikon 09 January 2011 - 06:26 PM

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Tak for opdateringerne :give_rose: Har ikke haft mulighed for at følge ordentlig med torsdag og fredag, så er det dejligt at kunne læse det her, selvom det ikke er rart at læse :bigcry:
Har jeg forstået/hørt rigtigt, at dommeren til enhver en tid kan stoppe høringen (eller hvad det nu hedder) og bestemme at der skal være en retssag og at det kan vare op til et år, før en retssag starter ?

Dette indlæg er redigeret af Sille: 09 January 2011 - 06:29 PM

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#22 Bruger er offline   themjj Ikon 09 January 2011 - 06:45 PM

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Læs IndlægSille, på 09 January 2011 - 06:26 PM, sagde:

Tak for opdateringerne :give_rose: Har ikke haft mulighed for at følge ordentlig med torsdag og fredag, så er det dejligt at kunne læse det her, selvom det ikke er rart at læse :bigcry:
Har jeg forstået/hørt rigtigt, at dommeren til enhver en tid kan stoppe høringen (eller hvad det nu hedder) og bestemme at der skal være en retssag og at det kan vare op til et år, før en retssag starter ?

Han kan til en hver tid stoppe høringen, men jeg ved ikke hvor lang tids ventetid der er på at retssagen så skal starte...
RIP Beautiful Michael!

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#23 Bruger er offline   Sille Ikon 09 January 2011 - 07:20 PM

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Læs Indlægthemjj, på 09 January 2011 - 06:45 PM, sagde:

Han kan til en hver tid stoppe høringen, men jeg ved ikke hvor lang tids ventetid der er på at retssagen så skal starte...

Tak, bare der ikke går for lang må tage en dag af gangen, andet kan vi jo ikke gøre :(
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#24 Bruger er offline   themjj Ikon 11 January 2011 - 10:57 PM

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LOS ANGELES — A coroner who performed the autopsy on Michael Jackson testified Tuesday that the pop star's death would have been classified a homicide even if the singer gave himself the final dose of the anesthetic propofol.
Dr. Christopher Rogers, chief of forensic medicine for the Los Angeles County coroner, was questioned by a lawyer for Dr. Conrad Murray, who is charged with causing Jackson's death by administering a lethal dose of propofol and other sedatives and failing to provide proper care.
Attorney J. Michael Flanagan suggested Jackson could have swallowed the drug, which is meant to be administered intravenously. While Rogers said that seemed unlikely, he said it would not have made a difference in his finding of homicide because of inadequate care by Murray.

Flanagan's inquiry was the first disclosure of how the defense plans to counter the involuntary manslaughter charge against Murray. The lawyer has suggested Jackson could have injected himself intravenously while Murray was out of the room.
The testimony came during an ongoing preliminary hearing after which Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor will decide if there is enough evidence for Murray to stand trial.
Murray has pleaded not guilty, and his attorneys have said he didn't give Jackson anything that should have killed him.
In court, Flanagan displayed a chart showing the drug levels in Jackson's blood at the time of the autopsy.

Flanagan asked Rogers, "If the ingestion (of propofol) is by the decedent (and) led to these blood levels, it would not be a homicide?"
"I believe it would still be a homicide," Rogers replied.
Asked why, the witness said, "Based on the quality of the medical care, I would still call this a homicide even if the doctor didn't administer the propofol to Mr. Jackson."
Rogers said propofol should not have been present in the bedroom because it is meant only for hospital settings and, "If there was propofol there, the doctor should have been prepared for the effects."
Rogers said Jackson had a strong heart and was mostly healthy.
"The care was substandard," Rogers said. "There were several actions that should have been taken."
Rogers also testified that Murray was improperly using the powerful anesthetic propofol to treat the musician for insomnia, and that Murray was wrong to leave Jackson's side while he was under anesthesia before he died.
Under Flanagan's questioning, Rogers said he consulted with an anesthesiologist about the possibility that Jackson could have injected propofol into his intravenous line while Murray left the room.
"She concluded that the propofol could not have been self-administered, given the configuration of the IV setup," he said.
He said she also noted that Jackson's IV tube was connected to his left leg below the knee and it would have been "extremely awkward" for the singer to reach it, especially if he had been sedated.
"The question is whether all those things can happen in such a short time that the doctor was in the bathroom," Rogers said.
On Monday, a detective testified that Murray spent nearly three hours telling police about his final hours with the superstar, who was so desperate for sleep that he was getting the anesthetic in his bedroom six nights a week.

Murray's interview two days after Jackson's death on June 25, 2009, led police back to the singer's mansion, where they found 12 vials of propofol — a fraction of the 255 vials a Las Vegas pharmacist said he shipped to Murray in the three months before Jackson died.
Detective Orlando Martinez said Murray told police he left the room for only two minutes after giving Jackson a 25 milligram dose of propofol at 10:40 a.m. He said he returned to find him not breathing.
Another witness. Dr. Richard Ruffalo, was called to the stand by Deputy District Attorney David Walgren.
Ruffalo, an anesthesiologist and clinical pharmacologist, gave the judge an exhaustive rundown on the sophisticated medical equipment that should have been present when Murray administered propofol in Jackson's bedroom.
Among the devices were monitoring equipment for heart and lungs and resuscitation equipment.
"You need to know what you're doing with the expectation your patient will wake up quickly," Ruffalo said. "Even if you're using propofol for a short time, it can do a lot of unfortunate things, especially if mixed with other drugs."
He also said Murray should have been keeping written charts while monitoring Jackson's vital signs every five minutes while he was under sedation.
Police have said they never obtained written charts from Murray, who could face up to four years in prison if tried and convicted.

RIP Beautiful Michael!

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#25 Bruger er offline   Nico Ikon 12 January 2011 - 07:03 AM

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#26 Bruger er offline   ElinsJackson Ikon 12 January 2011 - 07:16 AM

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Efter at have fuldt med på USTREAM i 6 dage i træk,
hvor jeg måske kun har fået 3-4 timers søvn hver nat pga. hørringen ( tidsforskellen ), så kunne jeg ikke være mere glad , end da vi fik denne dejlige nyhed kl. 02:00 i nat <3
ENDELIG, endelige , endelig !!! :') Love you Michael, i will holding hands for you ..

Og den 25. Januar, er der snakke om at retsagen vil foregå ? ( Kilde : Twitter )
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#27 Bruger er offline   themjj Ikon 12 January 2011 - 07:45 AM

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Michael Jackson's doctor to stand trial in manslaughter
L.A. County judge revokes Conrad Murray's medical license and orders him to stand trial. One medical expert testifies that it's possible the pop star administered the fatal dose of propofol himself.

A judge stripped Dr. Conrad Murray of his state medical license Tuesday after ruling that prosecutors have sufficient evidence to try him for manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor said testimony presented during a six-day hearing into Murray's treatment of the pop icon had convinced him that allowing the cardiologist to keep his license "would constitute an imminent danger to public safety."

Evidence presented by prosecutors, the judge said, showed "a direct nexus and connection between the acts and omissions of Dr. Murray and the homicide in this case," Pastor said.

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The judge's decision to send the case to trial was widely expected, including by Murray's attorneys, but the defense had strongly contested the suspension of his license, with one of his lawyers calling it a "nuclear option" that could destroy the 57-year-old doctor's ability to support his family and mount a criminal defense.

Murray is licensed in California, Texas and Nevada, but does not practice in California, his attorney said. As part of his ruling, Pastor gave the doctor 24 hours to inform medical authorities in the two other states that the court had suspended his California license until the conclusion of the criminal case. The notifications could have repercussions on his practice in the other states, his attorney said.

The judge denied a request by prosecutors to raise Murray's bail from $75,000 to $300,000. Murray is to return to court for arraignment Jan. 25 and is expected to again plead not guilty.

Jackson died June 25, 2009, from an overdose of the surgical anesthetic propofol. Murray acknowledged to police that he had used the drug for two months to treat the 50-year-old singer's chronic insomnia, but insisted that on the day of Jackson's death he had only administered a small amount that should not have been fatal.

How lethal levels of propofol got into Jackson's system was the focus of the final day of testimony in the case. Through the testimony of 20 previous witnesses, including police officers, paramedics and the performer's household staff, the defense had hinted that Jackson might have given himself the fatal dose.

But with the last two witnesses — both medical experts — the defense delved directly into the issue, with a lawyer suggesting that Jackson either injected himself with propofol or drank it when Murray wasn't looking.

The medical examiner who ruled the death a homicide said that he would stand by the classification even if it turned out that the pop star gave himself the fatal dose. Dr. Christopher Rogers, chief of forensic medicine for the Los Angeles County coroner's office, said Murray's "substandard" treatment in using propofol to treat insomnia in a home setting without proper monitoring remained key to his opinion.

The final witness, Dr. Richard Ruffalo, an anesthesiologist and pharmacologist, said his review of Murray's treatment suggested numerous deviations from the standard of medical care, from "simple" deviations such as a lack of understanding of the interactions between drugs to "extreme" deviations such as performing "totally useless" CPR with one hand.

He initially said that small amounts of propofol found in Jackson's stomach were not consistent with ingesting the drug, but under cross-examination, he acknowledged making a math error in his analysis and said ingestion "would seem to make sense."

But Ruffalo maintained that such a scenario only increased Murray's culpability given the doctor's claim that his famous patient was addicted to the drug he called "milk."

RIP Beautiful Michael!

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#28 Bruger er offline   fuzzball Ikon 12 January 2011 - 09:05 AM

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Læs IndlægNico, på 12 January 2011 - 06:03 AM, sagde:

Synes du det er ok at støtte EB ved at linke direkte til dem? Trist at det sker på dette forum..

#29 Bruger er offline   Nico Ikon 12 January 2011 - 10:03 AM

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Læs Indlægfuzzball, på 12 January 2011 - 09:05 AM, sagde:

Synes du det er ok at støtte EB ved at linke direkte til dem? Trist at det sker på dette forum..

Jeg linkede bare til EB da det var den eneste danske artikel jeg kunne finde om dette. Så valgte at sætte nyheden højere, hvis nu nogen skulle ønske sig at læse en dansk artikel om det. Hvis man så ikke gider klikke ind på linket kan man jo så bare lade være..?
Men det er da trist hvis det skal ødelægge din dag, så jeg kan da godt fjerne det igen hvis det skulle være ;)

#30 Bruger er offline   ElinsJackson Ikon 12 January 2011 - 12:11 PM

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Læs Indlægfuzzball, på 12 January 2011 - 08:05 AM, sagde:

Synes du det er ok at støtte EB ved at linke direkte til dem? Trist at det sker på dette forum..

Der skal være plads til alle, husk nu det...
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#31 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 12 January 2011 - 01:48 PM

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Jeg håber virkelig han bliver dømt.

Dette er en god start.

#32 Bruger er offline   Gregers Ikon 12 January 2011 - 04:44 PM

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Det er jo frivilligt om man vil sig ind på EB.

Men skønt at der endelig kommer en retssag!
Besøg min side:
25. June 2009: The Day The Music Died!

#33 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 13 January 2011 - 12:07 AM

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#34 Bruger er offline   themjj Ikon 13 January 2011 - 12:24 AM

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Transcripts fra alle preliminary hearing dagene
RIP Beautiful Michael!

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#35 Bruger er offline   themjj Ikon 25 January 2011 - 07:17 PM

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Michael Jackson case: Dr. Conrad Murray pleads not guilty

Michael Jackson’s personal physician described himself as “an innocent man” during a Los Angeles Superior Court hearing Tuesday in which a judge set a March date for his trial in the pop star’s death.

Asked how he pleaded to the charge of involuntary manslaughter, Dr. Conrad Murray began, “Your honor, I am an innocent man -- "

“What’s your plea?” Judge Michael Pastor interrupted.

“Therefore, I plead not guilty,” Murray said.

The physician, who faces a maximum of four years in prison, surprised the judge by invoking his right to a speedy trial, meaning the case would have to begin by March 28.

Pastor remarked on the rarity of a defendant invoking his speedy-trial right but set jury selection for March 28. The judge said his “inclination” was to allow television coverage of the trial, which the defense said was likely to last two months.

Jackson died June 25, 2009, from an overdose of the surgical anesthetic propofol, which Murray told police he had been using to treat the singer’s chronic insomnia.

Murray’s attorneys said at a preliminary hearing earlier this month that there was evidence Jackson injected or drank a fatal amount of the drug when the physician wasn’t looking.
RIP Beautiful Michael!

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#36 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 25 January 2011 - 07:25 PM

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Tak. Dejligt med nogle updates fra sagen.

Er spændt på om han slipper med en betinget dom, mener det er muligt i USA når det er involuntary manslaughter han er sigtet for.
Er der nogen der er inde i lovgivningen i USA? Jeg læser selv Jura, men det er jo et helt andet system de har i USA, så det jeg ved kan ikke bruges til det helt store. :)

Dette indlæg er redigeret af Hess: 25 January 2011 - 07:27 PM

#37 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 25 January 2011 - 07:35 PM

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Advarsel til sarte sjæle - der er et link til EB og B.T. i denne post.... :lol:

Afdøde Michael Jacksons personlige læge erklærer sig i retten ikke-skyldig i anklage om uagtsomt manddrab.

Conrad Murray erklærer sig ikke-skyldig i anklagen om uagtsomt manddrab på popsangeren Michael Jackson.

Murray var Jacksons personlige læge, og hans erklæring kom i en høring ved en domstol i Los Angeles, hvor sagen behandles.

- Jeg er en uskyldig mand, sagde Murray i retten ifølge CNN.

- Hvad erklærer du dig?, spurgte dommeren.

- Ikke skyldig.

Dommer Michael Pastor fastsatte derpå den 28. marts som startdato for retssagen, der skal begynde med udvælgelsen af jurymedlemmer. Dommeren tilføjede i øvrigt, at han er "tilbøjelig" til at tillade, at retssagen transmitteres direkte på tv.

Ifølge anklageskriftet forårsagede Murray den amerikanske superstjernes død ved at give ham en overdosis kraftig sovemedicin.

Murray risikerer op til fire års fængsel og kan miste retten til at praktisere lægegerningen, hvis han kendes skyldig, skriver AFP.

Hans forsvarer har antydet, at Michael Jackson selv kan have indtaget en dødelig dosis sovemedicin - propofol - mens lægen var ude af popstjernens soveværelse. Men anklagerne hæfter sig ved, at den 57-årige læge "efterlod sin patient" efter at have givet ham propofol på et tidspunkt mellem kl. 0.40 og 11 lokal tid.

Desuden skal Murray ifølge anklageren have givet Jacksons sikkerhedsfolk besked på at skjule beviserne for, at superstjernen havde fået den kraftige medicin.

Michael Jacksons død i juni 2009 rystede både underholdningsbranchen og musikfans verden over og udløste livlige diskussioner om popkongens helbred.

Jackson skulle have spillet i alt 50 store koncerter i London i perioden fra juli 2009 til marts 2010, men efter hans død satte mange spørgsmålstegn ved, om han helbredsmæssigt ville have været i stand til det.



Michael Jacksons personlige læge Conrad Murray har gennem hele sagen mod ham erklæret sig ikke skyldig i alle anklager mod ham.

I dag gjorde han det igen, da han stod foran en dommer i Los Angeles Superior Court i forbindelse med de nyeste anklager mod ham. De lyder på uagtsomt manddrab.

- Jeg er en uskyldig mand, høje dommer. Jeg erklærer mig helt sikkert ikke skyldig, lød det fra den tiltalte læge. Det skriver TMZ.

Risikerer fire års fængsel
Dommer Michael Pastor besluttede for to uger siden, at der var nok beviser til at rejse en sag mod lægen. Og dagens retsmøde var blot en del af hele processen omkring sagen, der begynder den 28. marts.

Hvis Conrad Murray - trods sin påstående uskyld - dømmes, kan han risikere helt op mod fire års fængsel.

Michael Jackson døde 50 år gammel af en overdosis af det bedøvende middel propofol den 25. juni, kort før han skulle på en comeback-turné.

Dr. Murray har indrømmet, at han gav popstjernen propofol, men han nægter altså, at han dermed er skyld i Jacksons tidlige død

Dette indlæg er redigeret af Hess: 25 January 2011 - 07:38 PM

#38 Bruger er offline   Mj Kid Ikon 25 January 2011 - 08:32 PM

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hold kæft det gør mig trist at lave om koncerterne :confused:
men jeg er glad for det sker noget i den retsag!!
You make me speechless..
Fra Theodor :)
Mj du var min barndom, du er min nutid og du bliver min fremtid.

#39 Bruger er offline   HeavenCanWait Ikon 26 January 2011 - 11:13 AM

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HA !! Kan lige forestille mig hvor desperat Murray må have været i går siden han skynder sig, at sige "I'm an innocent man your honor" istedet for bare: Not guilty :pointfinger:
Jorden har mistet et smukt menneske. Himlen har fået en engel.
Karina nu lyser du på himlen om kap med stjernerne ♥
Jeg vil altid elske dig og du vil altid være i mit hjerte ♥♥♥ :'(

Member of the "I wear my Michael Jackson-addiction with pride"-club
Member of the "Michael Jackson is innocent"-club

"If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same,
then everything that happens in between can be dealt with" - Michael Jackson

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#40 Bruger er offline   themjj Ikon 06 February 2011 - 06:02 PM

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Conrad Murray’s Ex Girlfriend: He Only Cared About Money, Not Michael Jackson

Looks like Conrad Murray should have found a different girlfriend to call.

The doctor told police he was on the phone for five minutes before discovering Michael Jackson‘s body on June 25th 2009, but then-girlfriend Sade Anding believes that he already knew something was wrong with Michael when he called her, telling Good Morning America he called her “out of the blue” and only said “well” before letting the phone hang as she heard “the mumbling of voices.” Prosecutors believe this call was part of an attempt to establish a timeline for Michael Jackson’s death that made him look less criminally negligent.

Anding, one of several girlfriends he had at the time, tells TMZ she believes Conrad Murray cared more about paying child support for his many children–and impressing ladies like Anding—than taking care of Michael.

“He was more thinking of how the money can help him and how it can change him and give him the life that he wants…instead of really worrying about the main person and why you’re having the job…which is Michael.” It certainly would give him a motive to spend more time supplying Michael with Propofol and other drugs, rather than trying to wean the star off the chemicals that killed him.
RIP Beautiful Michael!

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