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LÆNGE VENTET NYT ALBUM FRA THE KING OF POP, MICHAEL, UDKOMMER DEN 13. DECEMBER Eksklusiv teaser og sang vil blive afsløret på

#1 Bruger er offline   The Moo-Walkers Ikon 05 November 2010 - 02:40 PM

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New York, NY – Det længeventede album med nyligt afsluttede optagelser fra Michael Jackson, MICHAEL, udkommer den 13. december på Epic Records. I dag vil en eksklusiv teaser for projektet blive vist på På mandag, den 8. november, vil “Breaking News” få verdenspremiere. Hele nummeret kan høres på hjemmesiden, men kun en uge frem!

Den kreative proces stoppede aldrig for ”the King of Pop”, som altid planlagde sit næste album. Ukendt for mange fans rundt om i verden, skrev og indspillede Michael Jackson sange hele tiden. Det skete forskellige steder i verden med en lille gruppe af håndplukkede samarbejdspartnere. Nu, gennem de unikke historier, der vil blive fortalt om sangene på MICHAEL, vil hans fans få et helt utrolig indblik i, hvordan denne kunstner arbejdede og en chance for at høre de sange, han senest skabte sammen med sange, som Michael havde et ønske om at færdiggøre.

”Breaking News”, en uudgivet sang af Michael, som findes på det nye album, blev indspillet i New Jersey i 2007 og for nylig færdiggjort. Fans kan forudbestille albummet og en eksklusiv t-shirt på http://www.sonymusic...ichael-jackson/

Coveret på albummet MICHAEL blev skabt af maleren Kadir Nelson i 2009. I oliemaleriet tager Kadir – som er kendt for at fortælle historier gennem sin kunst – os med på en rejse gennem nogle vigtige øjeblikke og betydningsfulde personer i Michael Jacksons liv.

Hold øje med den verdensomspændende lancering af den første officielle single fra MICHAEL senere i denne måned.

Kilde: Sony Music/The Moo-Walkers

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#2 Bruger er offline   Forever <3 Michael Ikon 05 November 2010 - 02:44 PM

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uh...... CANT WAIT CANT WAIT... GIVE IT TO ME.... GIVE IT TO ME... <3 Skrevet Billede
*- Michael was born as an Angel-
- He lived as a King-
- He left as a King-
-He will forever be an Angel-"

* Forever a part of me and my life..*
*Forever in my heart..*
*Forever my king..*
Iam just simply Forever <3 Michael

#3 Bruger er offline   NathalieHajian Ikon 05 November 2010 - 03:49 PM

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Omg! jeg kan ikke vente! :D
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"I'm never pleased with anything, I'm a perfectionist, it's part of who I am."

#4 Bruger er offline   fuzzball Ikon 05 November 2010 - 04:20 PM

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Det er så... :biglaugh: :puppyeyes: :beeming: :) :ok: :grin: :laugh: :boogie: :lolcry: :thumbup:
men også lidt.... :bigcry:

#5 Bruger er offline   WillYouBeThere Ikon 05 November 2010 - 05:52 PM

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Så er teaseren lagt op på

SUPERFEDT!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

#6 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 06 November 2010 - 10:27 PM

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Lidt info om køb af flere albums på en gang.

- Kort sagt skal man IKKE købe mere end et album ad gangen, ellers bliver de ikke talt til charten.
Så hvis du køber 5 albums, så gør det forskellige steder, eller af 5 forskellige omgange - ikke på samme bon/kvittering.

This is how the chart rules here in the UK. It might be different where you live, so it's worth checking.

* If you personally buy multiple copies of the same album at the same time (all in one transaction and therefore all on one receipt) they won't count. I'm not sure what the threshold is, so these are just examples (for example It might be ok to buy 2 copies of an album at the same time, BUT PLEASE CHECK)

* If 20 fans go to the same store, form a queue and each buy one album one-by-one, the sales WILL COUNT toward the chart.

* If 20 fans go to the same store and one fan buys all the other fans one album each (i.e. 20 albums) on their own card, the sales WON'T COUNT toward the chart.

* If 20 fans go to the same store and each buy 5 albums on their own cards, none of them WON'T COUNT toward the chart.

* If 20 fans go to 5 different stores, buying one copy in each store, all sales WILL COUNT.

"1.0 Genuine Sales
All sales information used to compile the Chart must be recorded as a result of a genuine purchase by a genuine consumer.
No record company, distributor, retailer, Artist or other party should act or encourage others to act in any way designed to distort, or which has the effect of distorting the Chart by achieving a higher or lower Chart position for a record than it would otherwise achieve.
Actions which will be considered a breach of these rules include:

a) promoting the sale of any album by supplying a dealer with records by another artist free of charge or upon terms more favourable than would be the case but for that promotion;

B) purchasing albums or causing albums to be purchased other than as a genuine consumer purchase;

c) multiple purchases of albums on behalf of other persons,

d) interference with the operation of sales recording machines or other equipment or computer software used to compile the Charts or collect or collate its information or in any other way being a party to the submission of false or inaccurate data to the Chart compiler;

e) offering money or other benefits to a dealer contingent upon an album entering any of the Charts or attaining a minimum chart position;

f) procuring the sale of an album in conjunction with a non-related or excessive gift, ie which gives the consumer a product, voucher or benefit or anything else which is either unrelated to the album concerned or of a value in excess of the value of the record without that gift (value means normal retail price), where it is not an album and merchandise package as outlined in section 8.0.

g) any other activity intended unfairly to influence Chart positions.
- Where the Official Charts Company has reason to believe that an album is the subject of any of the above types of activity, it will, at its discretion, either remove identifiable irregular sales transactions from the data used to compile the Chart, or exclude the record from the Chart with immediate effect.
- The Official Charts Company´s nominated chart compiler will ensure the accuracy and completeness of any sales information provided to it by a retail outlet in the sample to the extent it is possible to do so using Good Industry Practice. Where the nominated chart compiler has reason to believe that the inclusion of sales from a retail outlet or a number of retail outlets maybe inaccurate, misleading or incomplete and run contrary to the guidelines expected by a skilled and experienced market research firm, then the store(s) in question will be excluded from the sample to avoid potential distortion.
- If an album is excluded from the Chart, the Official Charts Company will inform the record company, distributor, ERA and the BPI in writing on the first working day after the exclusion takes effect. If unusual or irregular sales transactions cause the Official Charts Company to remove data from the Chart sample, the Official Charts Company will inform the Secretariat of the BPI and/or ERA, as appropriate, on the first working day after the data is removed.


The point is: Buy your copies at different times. Maybe go buy one at Wal-Mart, order another from Amazon, buy another from Best Buy, go into HMV and buy another one, or just come back to one of these stores another day and buy it.

Don't buy multiple albums at the same time because they will be discounted from chart statistics and therefore won't count...
Discounting sales due to bulk buying is a an attempt to prevent chart corruption. If many albums are discounted by the charts company due to bulk buying, that can reduce the chart position of the album, particularly where there is close competition between artists. In an extreme scenario, Artist A could sell way more copies of an album than Artist B, but because of chart rules (sales discounted because of bulk buying), Artist B could have the No.1 album in that country, not Artist A.
Thanks to bobmoo79/MJJC

#7 Bruger er offline   sirap Ikon 09 November 2010 - 10:09 PM

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Oh...tænk at vi kommer til at høre nyt fra Michael Jackson igen. Jeg glæder mig over hans store talent og nyder at skråle med på alle tekster. Den nye CD er et "must have" i bilen. Uden MJ kører dytten ingensteder. 13 december kan kun komme for langsomt :upsidedown:

#8 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 11 November 2010 - 08:52 PM

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Her er HELE billedet som coveret Michael er taget fra:

Skrevet Billede

Skrevet Billede

Skrevet Billede

Skrevet Billede

Skrevet Billede

Skrevet Billede

#9 Bruger er offline   WillYouBeThere Ikon 11 November 2010 - 09:25 PM

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Weee, jeg tænkte nok, at den guldskulder hørte til HIStory statuen, hehe! :)

Så kom der også noget med, der var nyere end Dangerous. ;)

#10 Bruger er offline   Jacqueline Ikon 11 November 2010 - 09:28 PM

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Hvor er det bare flot. glæder mig til at se hele maleriet i HQ.
Kan godt lide han også er malet som Peter Pan øverst i højre hjørne :)
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I pray for you every day.

Don't waste your time on the past, no, no
It's time you look to the future
It's all right there if you ask
This time if you try much harder
You'll be the best that you can be!

- On the line

#11 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 11 November 2010 - 09:30 PM

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Mon hele billedet bliver en del af coveret?

Altså så når man åbner coveret får man hele billedet enten inden i bookletet eller billedet fortsætter om der hvor tracklisten står på bagsiden.

#12 Bruger er offline   Jacqueline Ikon 11 November 2010 - 09:31 PM

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Læs IndlægHess, på 11 November 2010 - 09:30 PM, sagde:

Mon hele billedet bliver en del af coveret?

Altså så når man åbner coveret får man hele billedet enten inden i bookletet eller billedet fortsætter om der hvor tracklisten står på bagsiden.

Det kunne være mægtigt hvis det var tilfældet.
Skrevet Billede
I pray for you every day.

Don't waste your time on the past, no, no
It's time you look to the future
It's all right there if you ask
This time if you try much harder
You'll be the best that you can be!

- On the line

#13 Bruger er offline   Emma. Ikon 11 November 2010 - 09:47 PM

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Hvor er det rart at se hvor mange mennesker der egentlig er med der på: Diana Ross, Janet, Joe, Stevie Wonder, Lisa-Marie, Børnene, Liza Minelli, Princess Diana osv :D.
Like alle dem der har haft stor indflydelse på hans liv skal være med dér!
Skrevet Billede

Your name must be Nobody. 'Cause nobodys perfect.

How can we preach, when all we make this world to be,
is a living hell torturing our minds. We all must unite,
to turn darkness to light,
and the love in our hearts will shine.


#14 Bruger er offline   SalsaSupreme Ikon 11 November 2010 - 09:47 PM

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Hvor er det skønt at både hans børn + Peter Pan er med :)
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#15 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 11 November 2010 - 09:50 PM

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KØM Michael til 79 kr INKLUSIV fragt! - det er det billigste jeg har set den til.

#16 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 12 November 2010 - 12:59 AM

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From KatelovesMJ

my dad works for a radio station and he has just recived an email from the radio group network saying this monday a new michael song will be played during 8am-9am. and it is not breaking news. the title has not been comfirmed.....

Så det ser ud til vi får ny musik mandag allerede - men det er højst sandsynligt HMH. Men dog i en ny version med mere MJ vokal.

#17 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 12 November 2010 - 03:55 AM

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Sony: New Michael Jackson Album Could Sell 400,000 In First Week
November 11, 2010 - Retail

By Ed Christman

While the rest of the world debated the authenticity on whether Michael Jackson's voice is actually present on the posthumous single "Breaking News," most music merchants say the controversy should stoke awareness and sales for the new album "Michael," due Dec. 14 on Epic Records.

Indeed, the debate on song quality and authenticity will likely be a moot point by Nov. 15. On that day, the Jackson website is scheduled to debut the first commercially available single from "Michael," a duet with Akon for the song "Hold My Hand," which is noticeably stronger and is clearly identifiable as Jackson. That track will be available for sale the same day at digital stores like iTunes.

Merchants hope the lead commercially available single will provide a stronger introduction to "Michael," which will carry a $10.25 wholesale cost and a $13.98 list price.The initial U.S. shipment of "Michael" is 900,000, according to retail sources. Sony is projecting first-week CD sales of 340,000 and digital album sales of 60,000. That projection is similar to debut-week sales of Jackson's album "This Is It," which sold 373,000 units in its first week and has sold 1.6 million units since its release in October 2009, according to Nielsen SoundScan.

Second week projections for "Michael," are set at 280,000 units, while digital sales are expected to slip from its debut week percentage of 15% to 8%. But both of those percentages are better than the digital sales garnered by "This Is It" in its first week when the format accounted for 5.6% of total sales.

"I think people will come out to buy the album, especially with the controversy," Edge Entertainment Distribution music buyer Danny Cohen says.

Some merchants worry that the quality of the first song being streamed from Jackson's site may not inspire consumers to run out and buy the set on street date. One merchant described "Breaking News" as "an interesting choice to sell an album. It's not a good first look for the album."

Merchants say that Sony sales representatives have told them the single was chosen more because of the lyrical content as a way to herald the news about the upcoming album.

Kilde: http://www.billboard...b0d1a1450ab0823

#18 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 12 November 2010 - 04:26 AM

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"full track listing & first single announcement from MICHAEL coming @ 12 a.m. EST tonight! (11/12)"

HELE TRACKLISTEN KOMMER OM 2 TIMER !!! ARGH, hvorfor sover i alle sammen. Jeg er mega spændt. Stå nu op og skriv med mig og gå amok. :lol:

MEN first single bliver vidst HMH. Men om 2 timer ved vi det med sikkerhed. - Så skal der brygges kaffe og espresso.

#19 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 12 November 2010 - 05:49 AM

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Here is the list of tracks for “Michael,” which will be released on Dec. 14:
1. “Hold My Hand” (featuring Akon)
2. “Hollywood Tonight”
3. “Keep Your Head Up”
4. “(I Like) the Way You Love Me”
5. “Monster” (featuring 50 Cent)
6. “Best of Joy”
7. “Breaking News”
8. “(I Can’t Make It) Another Day” (featuring Lenny Kravitz)
9. “Behind the Mask”
10. “Much Too Soon”

Er ikke 100 % sikker på den er ægte, men det ved vi om 11 min !

#20 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 12 November 2010 - 05:52 AM

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MICHAEL Album Track Listing Unveiled

New York, NY - The first official single from the forthcoming Michael Jackson album MICHAEL will be released globally on Monday, November 15th at 12:01am EST. The song entitled “Hold My Hand” will be unveiled on and for sale digitally thereafter.

“Hold My Hand”, a duet with Akon, is a song they recorded in 2007. A handwritten note from Michael belonging to his Estate indicated his desire that “Hold My Hand” be the first single on his next project. However, in its unfinished state, the song leaked out in 2008. Akon recently completed the new and final production of “Hold My Hand.”

Akon comments, “The world was not ready to hear ‘Hold My Hand’ when it leaked a couple years ago. We were devastated about it. But its time has definitely come; now in its final state, it has become an incredible, beautiful, anthemic song. I’m so proud to have had the chance to work with Michael, one of my all time idols.”

On December 14th, Epic Records in conjunction with the Estate of Michael Jackson, will release the much-anticipated new album MICHAEL. The album contains ten tracks, produced by an esteemed group of producers along with Michael Jackson. While primarily focused on songs that Michael worked on recently, there are also earlier compelling tracks.

MICHAEL is the first release in nine years of new material by one of music’s most beloved icons whose artistry continues to touch new generations of fans. The album marks another release under the new agreement between the Estate of Michael Jackson and Sony Music announced in March that continues the label’s 35-year relationship with Michael and his music. During that time, Michael sold hundreds of millions of records, had 13 #1 singles and released the pop culture phenomenon “Thriller,” which remains music’s all-time bestselling album with more than 100 million copies sold worldwide.


1. Hold My Hand (Duet with Akon)
2. Hollywood Tonight
3. Keep Your Head Up
4. (I Like) The Way You Love Me
5. Monster (Featuring 50 Cent)
6. Best Of Joy
7. Breaking News
8. (I Can’t Make It) Another Day (Featuring Lenny Kravitz)
9. Behind The Mask
10. Much Too Soon

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