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#161 Bruger er offline   WillYouBeThere Ikon 20 December 2010 - 01:14 PM

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Lille funfact her - se, hvad der sker, når man søger på Jason Malachi på Amazon:

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#162 Bruger er offline   Neomjj Ikon 20 December 2010 - 01:21 PM

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Læs IndlægJanet, på 13 December 2010 - 08:20 PM, sagde:

Jeg tror bare stadig på, at de har brugt en anden person til at fylde hullerne..

ja det er godt nok et kæmpe HUL. lol

#163 Bruger er offline   Minnie Ikon 20 December 2010 - 01:23 PM

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Jeg medgiver gerne at Jackson familien ikke altid er det ultimative sandhedsvidne, men der er forskel på fisk i mine øjne

Hvis det kun var Joe og måske Jermaine ville jeg nok være mere forvirret end jeg er, men 3T, Katherine, Jackie og visse andre har aldrig været en del af løgnene. Michael har altid selv givet udtryk for at han stolede blindt på sin mor og at de var tætte. Jeg tror måske ikke at der var andre mennesker som Michael stolede mere på end sine børn og sin mor. Sin far stolede han ikke på over en dørtærskel, men Katherine, 3T og Jackie har intet at vinde ved dette. Tværtimod har Katherine alt at miste da pengene fra albummet som bekendt går til Katherine og børnene. Derfor synes jeg der er selvmodsigende at hun skulle lyve.

Three Nails Gave Me Liberty


You used to captivate me by your resonating light
Now, I'm bound by the life you left behind

#164 Bruger er offline   fuzzball Ikon 20 December 2010 - 01:25 PM

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Læs IndlægWillYouBeThere, på 20 December 2010 - 12:14 PM, sagde:

Lille funfact her - se, hvad der sker, når man søger på Jason Malachi på Amazon:

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Okay hvor funny!!!

#165 Bruger er offline   clausw Ikon 20 December 2010 - 01:59 PM

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Whatever... Vi bli'r vist aldrig enige! :P
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#166 Bruger er offline   julie Ikon 20 December 2010 - 02:19 PM

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Bemærkelsesværdig statistik om Michael Jackson's arbejdsvaner 2006-2009 - arbejdede med MJ i 3 år, de lavede 2 færdige sange
Akon - arbejdede med MJ i 2 år , de lavede 1 færdig sang (Hold My Hand)
RedOne - arbejdede med MJ 1-2 år , de lavede 0 sange
Ne-Yo - skrev sange til Michael i 2 år, MJ indspillede 0 af hans sange.


Cascios - MJ tog en pause fra optagelse med ovenstående verdensklasse, hit making sangskrivere og producenter for at bo sammen med hans "nære venner", Cascio familien. Der opholdte han sig i 4 måneder og fik lavet 12 sange.

Unrealistic much?

Dette indlæg er redigeret af julie: 20 December 2010 - 02:19 PM

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#167 Bruger er offline   clausw Ikon 20 December 2010 - 02:23 PM

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Tror bestemt heller ikke Michael arbejdede 4 måneder i streg med de øvrige! ;)
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#168 Bruger er offline   julie Ikon 20 December 2010 - 02:25 PM

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LOL. fik lige sendt det her link...

Sony's out here tellin the world its Michael Jackson
They're out here sellin this song as Michael Jackson
Just when you thought it was wrong they go and do it again
Pushin this around the world today
You know that He wouldn't want it this way

No matter what you just gotta hear it again
Sony's curupt and you know it's about money

It isn't strange if Sony wrote this song
Cause it's not Michael and you know its wrong
I don't know what the Hell they're thinkin of
But they're Breakin Rules, they're Breakin Rules

Everybody knows that this song ain't Michael Jackson
They're out here killing the love of Michael Jackson
Just when you thought it was done now its a weapon
You turn your back on His love
And sell a Phony as Him

No matter what you just wanna hear it again
Sony's curupt and you know it's about money

It isn't strange if Sony wrote this song
Cause it's not Michael and you know its wrong
I don't know what the Hell they're thinkin of
But they're Breakin Rules, they're Breakin Rules

It isn't strange if Sony wrote this song
Cause it's not Michael and you know its wrong
I don't know what the Hell they're thinkin of
But they're Breakin Rules, they're Breakin Rules

On the News today they say its MJ
He came all this way for them to take it

It isn't strange if Sony wrote this song
Cause it's not Michael and you know its wrong
I don't know what the Hell they're thinkin of
But they're Breakin Rules, they're Breakin Rules

It isn't strange if Sony wrote this song
Cause it's not Michael and you know its wrong
I don't know what the Hell they're thinkin of
But they're Breakin Rules, they're Breakin Rules

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#169 Bruger er offline   WillYouBeThere Ikon 20 December 2010 - 03:34 PM

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^^^^^ I like! ;) ^^^^

#170 Bruger er offline   Smooth Ikon 20 December 2010 - 04:13 PM

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Fedt... og de har fundet én, der er næsten ligeså god til at imitere ham ;)
Må man reklamere lidt? Se min nye webshop Plus+Minus, med tørklæder og accessories :o)

#171 Bruger er offline   Gregers Ikon 20 December 2010 - 04:34 PM

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Tydeligt at folk ikke har set hele Oprah interviewet, så havde man vidst at Michael har kendt familien siden midt 80'erne, og dermed har de brugt mere end 4 mdr på at lave musik sammen. Bare lige en hurtig pointe hehe
Besøg min side:
25. June 2009: The Day The Music Died!

#172 Bruger er offline   Smooth Ikon 20 December 2010 - 05:04 PM

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Har set hele interviewet.... meeeeeen nu tror jeg ikke at Eddie Cascio legede producer for Michael Jackson, allerede da han var en lille dreng, eller for den sags skyld en teenager. Eddie er så vidt jeg ved 25-26 år gammel og har altså ikke været mere end 23 i 2007. Iøvrigt er Sonys egen "historie" jo at disse sange skulle være indspillet i 2007.

... og så et lille citat fra Taryll Jacksons Twitter den 7. december.

Frank hurt and betrayed my Uncle years ago, so when I learned about Eddie I wasn't completely shocked. The names are different but the story's the same. People taking advantage of my Uncle and now his legacy. I wish Oprah would have asked about the ridiculous amount these FAKE songs were sold to the estate for.
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#173 Bruger er offline   julie Ikon 20 December 2010 - 05:48 PM

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Ne-Yo boycotting the album


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#174 Bruger er offline   julie Ikon 20 December 2010 - 05:58 PM

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Læs IndlægSmooth, på 20 December 2010 - 05:04 PM, sagde:

Har set hele interviewet.... meeeeeen nu tror jeg ikke at Eddie Cascio legede producer for Michael Jackson, allerede da han var en lille dreng, eller for den sags skyld en teenager. Eddie er så vidt jeg ved 25-26 år gammel og har altså ikke været mere end 23 i 2007. Iøvrigt er Sonys egen "historie" jo at disse sange skulle være indspillet i 2007.

... og så et lille citat fra Taryll Jacksons Twitter den 7. december.

Frank hurt and betrayed my Uncle years ago, so when I learned about Eddie I wasn't completely shocked. The names are different but the story's the same. People taking advantage of my Uncle and now his legacy. I wish Oprah would have asked about the ridiculous amount these FAKE songs were sold to the estate for.

Præcis! Michael har haft så mange såkaldte "venner" der er kommet frem og sagt de dummeste ting efter hans død. Michaels bodyguard kom frem og sagde at Michael var bøsse og at de havde en affære, Mark Lester kom frem og sagde han var Paris' far, Arnold Klein ville også ha' en bid af kagen. Hele Oprah showet gik ud på at få Cascio familien til at se overbevisende ud. De talte om hvordan de var så nære venner af Michael, og hvordan Michael elskede at være hos dem, således at fans aldrig ville tro noget ondt om familien. Hvis virkelig var så gode venner med Michael, ville man så sælge sangene 2 dage efter hans død. Det virker fuldstændig absurd. De har bare tænkt CAASH!

I'll never betray or deceive you my friend but...
If you show me the cash
Then I will take it
If you tell me to cry
Then I will fake it
If you give me a hand
Then I will shake it
You'll do anything for money.. :verymad:

Dette indlæg er redigeret af julie: 20 December 2010 - 06:00 PM

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#175 Bruger er offline   clausw Ikon 20 December 2010 - 07:25 PM

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Læs Indlægjulie, på 20 December 2010 - 05:48 PM, sagde:

Ne-Yo boycotting the album


Ikke noget med Cascio sangene at gøre. :)
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#176 Bruger er offline   clausw Ikon 20 December 2010 - 07:26 PM

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Læs Indlægjulie, på 20 December 2010 - 05:58 PM, sagde:

De har bare tænkt CAASH!

Som alle andre omkring Michael. Inklusiv hans familie.
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#177 Bruger er offline   Neomjj Ikon 20 December 2010 - 07:49 PM

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Besked fra Karen Faye

Sunday, December 19th:
Thank you Sandra RT @QuenchMyDesire: Okay. This album...I need to get what's in my head out. This will probably not even be read or heeded by many, but I need to word purge. I need to, or I'll explode.

Having left certain groups on Facebook a while ago that originally sounded great, but turned out to be the complete opposite of what I believe regarding certain issues and people, maybe I shouldn't be surprised that they are celebrating the release of this album. But, well...I am.

I know everyone is different but there is NOTHING to celebrate about this record. It's a product of greed, manipulation, corruption and selfishness, and it's basically just the continuation of the bullshit that was This Is It. Michael is DEAD, that is the ONLY reason this album exists. How can it be something to celebrate? HE is not here anymore so HE did not release this album. This is a Sony album, not a Michael Jackson one, and more than that, it's a slap in the face and an insult both to everything he stood for, as well as to those of us that see this for what it really is.

Michael's legacy does not stand and fall with this album; nor will it stand and fall with any future Sony releases. His legacy was created (and secured) BY HIM, decades ago. DECADES. His songs are timeless, he's Michael Jackson for God's sake. His philanthropy, his human rights work, his donations...they're all there, and they are set in stone. Any posthumous releases of any of "his" works (*cough*JasonMalachi*coughs*) will not change that. In any direction.

He shared his talent with us for forty years. It is naïve, and, to be honest, disrespectful to everything he achieved and gave us during those four decades to think that all of it would just disappear because we don't keep buying whatever is put out there and that has his name on it. HE did not release this album, so refraining from buying it will not hurt HIM.

I may come across as arrogant or as if I am telling people what to think and feel. This is not my intention, but to be honest, this isn't even a matter of "maybe" to me. We don't have to guess how he's feel about Sony getting the hands on these recordings because HE TOLD US! In case anyone forgot:

I honestly don't understand how people seem to forget the above so easily. Michael was clear BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT how he felt about Sony, yet people are queueing up like lemmings outside the stores to get this album. Why would anyone want to do that when he told us so clearly how he felt?

The general public not knowing - or caring - about the Sony feud is one thing, but the fans? We were supposed to stand by him. He was supposed to be able to trust us.

I'm completely amazed by how so many of the people that I managed to sort of 'open up the eyes of' (regarding TINI and everything around what possibly happened in Michel's last time alive that is so suspicious and contradictive) are now running to the store to get the album, the DVD boxset, AND the game. Hello?? Have people not been listening?! This is exactly the same! This album is a continuation to all the vile, grotesque, corrupt bullshit that "This is it" was about, how can people not see that?? We would never have had this album if Michael was still alive, and he would never, EVER have let them near his art again. He TOLD us that!

This record is a bribe. It was released to keep the general public happy so that they can listen to 'new' songs from Michael Jackson the superstar, while they continue covering up the murder of Michael Jackson the man. In the meantime, his family and friends are still struggling every single day to come to terms with the void that was left in their lives the day he was taken from them. They have to sit there, time after time after time, in the same room as one of the men that murdered their brother, son, friend, or mentor, and they have to wake up to a world without someone whose energy was so vibrant you could feel it physically, but that is now gone. Gone, only to leave a deafening silence in a world that was once filled with his laughter and his tears. So forgive me if I'm having a little bit of a hard time finding a reason to celebrate.

Whatever Sony decides to release in his name in the future will have nothing to do with Michael's legacy, and everything to do with money. Lie for it, spy for it, kill for it...die for it.

He died for it. When will we stop making it worth it for the people that took his life?

~ Karen Faye

#178 Bruger er offline   clausw Ikon 20 December 2010 - 08:03 PM

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Dvs. Karen Faye nu er inde i varmen igen? :lol:
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#179 Bruger er offline   Smooth Ikon 20 December 2010 - 08:44 PM

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Har hun nogensinde været ude?
Må man reklamere lidt? Se min nye webshop Plus+Minus, med tørklæder og accessories :o)

#180 Bruger er offline   Neomjj Ikon 20 December 2010 - 08:44 PM

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Læs Indlægclausw, på 20 December 2010 - 08:03 PM, sagde:

Dvs. Karen Faye nu er inde i varmen igen? :lol:

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