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Planer om NYT MJ ALBUM ! Kommer snart.

#61 Bruger er offline   Jacqueline Ikon 12 July 2010 - 08:43 PM

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Læs Indlægmystix, på 12 July 2010 - 08:05 PM, sagde:

ja DET har jeg også hørt :D Glæder mig ihvertfald :P

Ja det bliver enormt spændende.. glæder mig godt nok også til nye dvd/blu-ray udgivelser :puppyeyes:
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I pray for you every day.

Don't waste your time on the past, no, no
It's time you look to the future
It's all right there if you ask
This time if you try much harder
You'll be the best that you can be!

- On the line

#62 Bruger er offline   mystix Ikon 12 July 2010 - 10:30 PM

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Læs IndlægJacqueline, på 12 July 2010 - 09:43 PM, sagde:

Ja det bliver enormt spændende.. glæder mig godt nok også til nye dvd/blu-ray udgivelser :puppyeyes:

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ja :puppyeyes:
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You're always in my heart <3

#63 Bruger er offline   ShineALight Ikon 21 July 2010 - 09:54 AM

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Jeg glæder mig også rigtigt meget til nye udgivelser, men håber virkelig at de tænker sig godt om hvad de udgiver. De skal udgive det som er færdigt, ikke sådan noget halvfærdigt noget. Der ligger garanteret masser af fantastiske sange, som ligger lige for :-)
MJ-fan siden 1987.

#64 Bruger er offline   Neomjj Ikon 11 August 2010 - 02:27 PM

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Har lige læst på mjfc at der kommer 10 sange med bla. TEDDY riley, rodney jerkins og det lyder lovende.

#65 Bruger er offline   Fedora Ikon 11 August 2010 - 05:39 PM

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Er der en der kan sige mig hvor jeg skal få penge til at spise og bo, det ser jo ud til at næsten al ens penge går til at hive nye MJ cd/dvd ned fra hylderne de næste mange år.:woot:

Håber stadig at estatet udgiver flere live dvder og eventuelt live cder ( tænker specielt på Parken 29/8 - 97 ).
Stakkels os fans vi får brugt pengene hurtigere end vi tjener dem. :eek:
Every day create your history

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Every hero dreams of chivalry

Every child should sing together in the harmony

#66 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 13 August 2010 - 11:43 AM

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En HIStory Live CD (og egentlig også DVD) står meget langt nede på min ønskeliste.

Der var for meget playback til at ikke-fans vil synes det er fedt.

Men Victory og Bad ville være skønt og så en ekstra udgivelse af Dangerous, gerne en speciel hvor han spiller Bad, TWYMMF eller Dangerous. Den de valgte at udgive var stort set den dårligste de kunne have valgt og så havde alle jo set den i forvejen, ja mange havde den allerede i DVD kvalitet. Så kom med BAD fra Wembley PLEASE !!!

#67 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 13 August 2010 - 11:57 AM

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MJ indspillede en julesang.

Info on the Christmas song was from a producer that worked with Michael on the HIStory album:


We recorded a Christmas song during the summer of '94 that needed a children's choir. Michael insisted that the entire studio be decorated with xmas lights, tree, fake snow and a sled for their recording. And he bought presents for everyone.


About Christmas song:

From the time I was five years old I have been singing in studios all over NYC for commercials, demos and even music albums. My sister, brother and I have sung on albums for Gloria Estefan, Liza Minelli, Maureen McGovern and even soloed on the Canadian Brass Christmas album. One day, my mother got a call from our contractor booking us for a recording at the Hit Factory. We weren't allowed to know for whom we were singing and we were only allowed one parent per child. Our interest was peaked. We spent the next few days trying to figure out who this mystery recording could be for. We decided to bring three CD covers with us- Frank Sinatra (he was still alive at the time), Madonna and Michael Jackson.

We went to the studio and some guy told us we were going to be singing one word... "Childhood". He sang it for us once or twice then began recording. All we heard in the cans (headphones) were tracks with no lead vocal. We still couldn't figure out what or whom this was for. After singing the one word a few times, I saw a man behind the glass in the recording studio step forward out of the darkness with a black hat, a red shirt and a black curl in front of his face. On the talkback we heard, "Can you sing it a little more like this... Childhood" As soon as I heard the voice I grabbed my sister's hand and spoke without moving my lips "It's MICHAEL JACKSON!!!!"

I cooly sang "Childhood" about a dozen more times and the engineer thanked us and said we were done. We went back to the green room where our parents were waiting and I grabbed the Bad album cover from my mom and brought it to Michael's assistant. I asked her if she could please bring it to Michael and have him sign it. The other kids who sang with us began ripping little pieces of paper for him to sign. They were no where near as prepared as my family!!

The assistant said "Let me see what I can do", and she disappeared for about five minutes. She came back and said, "Can I have all of the kids follow me?" We followed her to a door in the Hit Factory that had a star on it and said "Jackson". We went into the room and there he was, greeting us at the door with a hand shake and a smile and telling us that it was a pleasure to meet us. Can you imagine? A pleasure to meet us?? His room was filled with some pretty strange things: life-size cut-outs of the Power Rangers, a train set, and a giant globe that rotated. He had pictures of children that he had helped attached to the country they were from.

Michael had many questions for us like if any of us went to camp for the summer. He said that he always asked his parents if he could go to summer camp because it looked like so much fun and of course they told him no!! This was right around the time when the media was questioning whether or not he had married Lisa Marie Presley. I noticed a ring on his hand and I said, "so does that ring mean you are married to Lisa Marie?" He nodded his head yes and said "shhhhhh". We chatted for a while, he signed our album cover and we went home having what I thought was the greatest day of my life.

A week or two later my mother got another call from our contractor. This time she said Michael wanted to have us back to the studio to record a Christmas song. It was July but when we got to the studio, it was decorated for the holidays. There was snow all over the ground, a tree, Santa who gave us all presents (we each got a Gameboy... tells you how long ago this was!!) and reindeer. Michael came walking right into the studio this time and didn't hide behind the glass. I guess he felt more comfortable with us this time. He taught us the song himself and stayed with us in the sound booth as we were singing it. After we recorded the song he invited our parents into the studio and had the whole thing catered. We sat around the piano as he played the piano and we all sang Christmas songs. It's just like Christmas Eve at the Elefante's (my in-laws)!!!

So on June 25th, when the whole world was in shock of Michael Jackson's death, these were the memories that all came flooding back for me.


#68 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 23 August 2010 - 03:01 PM

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Fra Damien på MaxJax forums..

'The new DVD that's coming out in November is something completely new. It's not a re-release of anything existing. It's not something like this is it in 3D. My Sony source tells me the DVD is something brand new that we haven't seen'...

Håber det er sandt. Så er der meget at glæde sig til.

#69 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 24 August 2010 - 12:20 AM

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Fra smooth_criminal05 på MJJC.

am not a representative for Sony music nor am I the executor of the estate. I am simply telling you information I have heard from my source who works for Sony Music USA. My source has connections to the estate and from time to time has conversations with BOTH Branca and McClain as well as other individuals who are involved with MJ projects.

This is what I have been told:

-An announcement of "some sort" should be expected "around the time" of MJ's birthday. NO specific day or time was given. These things are usually communicated to Sony the day before so they can upload it to the Facebook and official website. So right now, Sony DOES NOT KNOW the exact date. So how can I know? It's all planned by the estate.

-Something will come around this time and could be a new interview, possibly an album title, and some song titles.

-The tracklist is now 100% finished I am told.

-The video game is coming November 18th as highlighted from Ubisoft last week.

-The new album is coming Nov 15th with backup dates of the 8th or 22nd depending on competition.

-A DVD is in the works and is "top secret" at this point. Damiens comments that it's something brand new correspond with what I'm hearing as well.

-TII is not finished and will return again in the future

These are all things I have highlighted for the past 8 months, of course as things have come together minor details have changed but the generals remain the same. If an announcement doesn't come by August 29th that doesn't mean anything. It could very well come Sep 1st or Sep 3rd. The point is...more information is coming very soon, I was told this directly and there is no reason for my source to lie to me.

#70 Bruger er offline   King Of MIX Ikon 24 August 2010 - 01:36 PM

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Ser ud til at vi kommer til en fremtid, hvor Michael igen vil bryde rekorder og stå højt på hitlisten... Glæder mig :)
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#71 Bruger er offline   ElinsJackson Ikon 24 August 2010 - 02:23 PM

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Sidder her, hårene rejser sig, og er mega rørt !

Michael lever virkelig videre, og det er ikke kun i vores hjerter <3 :buddies:

... wauw, har slet ikke ord hahah :I

Glæder mig SÅÅÅÅ meget :')
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#72 Bruger er offline   Fedora Ikon 24 August 2010 - 02:32 PM

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Håber at der bliver nogle fede billeder i indlæg til cd, måske med billeder fra privaten - behøver ikke at være med Prince, Paris og deres lillebror. Specielt stillbillede fra påskægjagten kunne være fedt. Det er der hvor han danser lidt. Der er han bare så nede på jorden.:thihi:
Every day create your history

Every page you turn you’re writing you legacy

Every hero dreams of chivalry

Every child should sing together in the harmony

#73 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 16 September 2010 - 12:55 PM

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Originally Posted by mkgenie fra MJJC.
update from my sources in SONY MUSIC ASIA (NO JOKING. seriously)

A 3-DVD boxset called Vision will be released in late Nov., containing old greatest videos and unreleased materials.

The new ablum's release date is still set for early Nov. but no specific dates. don't know if it will be delayed

Sony sources told me they just viewed a MJ new song music video, which will be included in the 3-DVD boxset

I'm President of Michael Jackson Chinese Fanclub (

I don't want to be SC05 version 2, but I just came here to share what I was told, and you guys should remember I told you the facts about This Is It the movie one month before it was officially released.

Det var mkgenie der præcist fortalte om TII, setlisten, hvilke sange der var live, citater fra filmen m.m. - så hun har utvivlsomt en insider viden.

#74 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 23 September 2010 - 08:56 PM

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Fra Smooth_Criminal05 på MJJC.

I received an email from my source at Sony Music USA this morning and mark it down on the calendars it's OFFICIAL!

-New MJ album, 3 DVD set titled "Vision", and The Experience all being released November 22nd/23rd depending on the area. Announcement has already been made up and is planned to go public very soon.

-My source also confirmed 100% to me that the DVD set will contain a new music video for the first single off MJ's album. Promotion will be BIG, it's all coming together. Unfortunately I can't reveal the details on promotion just yet but I can say one thing...Wow I'm excited!

I was told to let all MJ fans know. In addition to a party in Sydney, Sony is also planning an event in LA and London as well as other locations around the world. This information corresponds with Damiens info from Sony Australia which is great news. Expect to hear about it officially any time. Get ready!

#75 Bruger er offline   Emma. Ikon 24 September 2010 - 04:42 PM

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Læs IndlægHess, på 23 September 2010 - 08:56 PM, sagde:

Fra Smooth_Criminal05 på MJJC.

I received an email from my source at Sony Music USA this morning and mark it down on the calendars it's OFFICIAL!

-New MJ album, 3 DVD set titled "Vision", and The Experience all being released November 22nd/23rd depending on the area. Announcement has already been made up and is planned to go public very soon.

-My source also confirmed 100% to me that the DVD set will contain a new music video for the first single off MJ's album. Promotion will be BIG, it's all coming together. Unfortunately I can't reveal the details on promotion just yet but I can say one thing...Wow I'm excited!

I was told to let all MJ fans know. In addition to a party in Sydney, Sony is also planning an event in LA and London as well as other locations around the world. This information corresponds with Damiens info from Sony Australia which is great news. Expect to hear about it officially any time. Get ready!

20. november = The Legend Lives On.
21. november = Neger Dag
22./23. november = nyt album.

JESUS CHRIST, jeg glæder mig til november xD!!
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Your name must be Nobody. 'Cause nobodys perfect.

How can we preach, when all we make this world to be,
is a living hell torturing our minds. We all must unite,
to turn darkness to light,
and the love in our hearts will shine.


#76 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 25 September 2010 - 02:19 AM

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Læs IndlægEmma., på 24 September 2010 - 04:42 PM, sagde:

21. november = Neger Dag

Måske jeg blot er uvidende - men hvad er det? - er det noget seriøst eller ?

#77 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 30 September 2010 - 10:07 AM

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Fra mkgenie på MJJC.

mkgenie skriver om sin kilde: he's a senior officer at Sony, so, don't worry, you will see.

no idea about the first single, but my source said the detailed announcement will come soon... I asked him if its next week, he said no comments...WTF.

updates on boxset

The boxset will be really deluxe. Color: golden.

There will be some animation-like special effects on the cover of the DVD boxset when you move the box sleeve. There are many lattices on the cover to show the classic video scenes, maybe that's how the animation effect look like, I don't know how to imagine that.

And my source said the first two discs may include old videos, and the third disc may include the new materials, as well as ONE MORE CHANCE video. But he hasn't seen the tracklist, so this would be his reliable guess.

And there will be a photo booklet inside.

mkgenie var også personen der lang tid inden TII kom havde set filmen og kunne give korrekt information om filmen. om det skriver mkgenie: I actually saw TII one month before you did because I needed to do some translation job. The TII draft didn't even have the ending credit then. lol

om planen om at udgive det nye album i november skriver mkgenie (ligesom smooth) November release plan hasn't been changed, but who knows what will happen....

#78 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 30 September 2010 - 07:42 PM

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DVD-setet "VISION" kan nu forudbestilles

Det er en polsk side, men det beviser jo i hvert fald at de insidere på MJJC har haft ret. De sagde det længe inden der kom noget officielt. Der er jo faktisk ikke kommet noget officielt endnu, men når man kan forudbestille det plejer det jo at være korrekt.

#79 Bruger er offline   Hess Ikon 01 October 2010 - 04:07 AM

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lige lidt om mkgenie:

mkgenie skrev på MJJC:

I'm not an insider. I'm the President of Michael Jackson Chinese Fanclub with 100,000 members.

introduce myself:

http://www.chinadail...nt_10017327.htm - de har haft mere end 100 millioner besøg siden 2000.

#80 Bruger er offline   HeavenCanWait Ikon 02 October 2010 - 01:23 PM

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The Experience - hvad er det?
Jorden har mistet et smukt menneske. Himlen har fået en engel.
Karina nu lyser du på himlen om kap med stjernerne ♥
Jeg vil altid elske dig og du vil altid være i mit hjerte ♥♥♥ :'(

Member of the "I wear my Michael Jackson-addiction with pride"-club
Member of the "Michael Jackson is innocent"-club

"If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same,
then everything that happens in between can be dealt with" - Michael Jackson

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