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MJ digte

#1 Bruger er offline   andersryberg Ikon 06 May 2006 - 12:50 PM

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Sys lige i skal læse de her digte:

Ét digt om pressen!

Freedom of speech
That’s what y'all preach
But what about mentioning
It’s not the right to be hurting
Maybe this will get political
But it’s about getting people more critical

You say anything you want to say
But this makes people cry everyday
So think before you talk
You may get people to walk
The walk of depression
And it’s your decision

And what I’m talking about here
Is normal people, having fear
I have a dream to get famous some times
But if that happened, and people liked my rhymes
I think I would die
Because, people believe the medias lie

There are lies all around
And the truth you see isn’t the only to be found
Britney Spears is a bad mother, isn’t she?
Or maybe it isn’t like this you see
Is Michael Jackson a pedophile?
That has been the subject for a while

But what you call freedom
Is getting people very lonesome
And you who are spreading
It’s such a cold thing
I have no respect for you suckers
And dirty talkers

This morning I cried again
A story in the paper gave me pain
I love the man you talked about on that page
Maybe he has friends with a younger age
Oh forget it, you wouldn’t understand
You even made fun of his hand

You do it to earn money
To get some extra honey
I am disgusted by you all
I wrote this on my wall
“F*ck the tabloids”
But you are everywhere, and I can’t avoid

This will be a long battle
Who did now rob the cradle
Why do you care about who kisses who
Isn’t it their choice, who they do?
You say that they deserved this
But everyone is talking about an innocent kiss

I heard the price of a picture
And it made me faint for sure
It’s insane
Is his nose still the same?
If you don’t shut up, I’ll be ready to kill
Cause you get people on the treadmill

It has been like this always
People like me prays
That the world will see the truth
And there is a hope for the youth
You won’t print the good news
Does he hate Jews?

Take the bitter with sweet
The bitter, is what I read
What is the sweet, with being famous
Having fans, to sing the chorus?
As I see it, the only good thing is the fans
Believing you, and reaching out their hands

But they are the only ones
Who seems to care, oh, his sons
And daughter, who he loves a lot
And they are the most precious thing he got
But you wanna take them from him
Why? Why is the world so grim?


You are my only sunshine
God damn you look so fine!
I love your style so much
I would do anything for your touch
Not to mention your tender kiss
Oh yeah that would be total bliss

You are the man of dreams
Yeah, that’s how it seems
Maybe you are different
I wonder what’s your scent
I love who you are inside
and that, I don’t wanna hide

you are the smile that I wear
And that’s anywhere
When I cry, you can make me happy again
You ease my hearts pain
Whit you, I don’t have any worries
In my head, I find some peace

But, I also see you as a father figure
When I’m in doubt, you make me sure
Every time I hear your song
You make me strong
As a father, you took my hand
Not in reality, but I hope you understand

Without you, I would have died that day
Sadly it’s true what I say
Sometimes I wanna give up
But then I think of you, The King Of Pop
Well, I guess all I really wanna do
Is to say THANK YOU!


Michael Jackson

I don't know what I should do without you, I wouldn't be alive, I would never smile, I would just lay in my bed, looking at the ceiling, waiting to die, pray for the angel to come and take me away from here, and let my suicede attempts succeed. but yes, an angel did come, you, you showed me love, honesty, you showed me that I wasn't alone, that you would always be here, no matter what, that not everyone, just would go away and leave me, you showed me that somewhere, some one loved me

yes, I still cry, but the tears you bring to my eyes, are tears of joy and love

but Michael, what are they doing to you, my angel? they accuse you of the worst things, the worst things you can accuse anyone forand that makes me cry, because it just aint right,cause I know who you are, I know how pure your heart is!

Michael, you are my life, my smile, my angel


Daddy said like Michael, BILLIE JEAN is not my lover

He never said “let the BABY BE MINE”

I never heard “DADDY’S HOME”

When mamma told him, all he said was “LEAVE ME ALONE”

He never said “Maja is ANNOTHER PART OF ME”

Maybe he is regretting it, and is saying “THIS TIME AROUND, I’m gonna do it better”

Or maybe I have siblings, who like me are THE LOST CHILDREN

I think he is saying “thank god SHE’S OUT OF MY LIFE”

I asked my mom “WHO IS IT” she wouldn’t answer

She doesn’t wanna REMEMBER THE TIME, when you left her

He made us both CRY

YOU ARE NOT ALONE with this problem, people say, is that supposed to be a comfort?

Because of this I am even SCARED OF THE MOON

My CHILDHOOD wasn’t easy, this was apart of that

Because of this, I had problems writing “ABC” and so on

At night, when I’m alone, I get so angry that I wanna SCREAM

Okay, once I said daddy I WANT YOU BACK, I don’t do that anymore

I wont be a DREAMER no more

If he came here and said “THE GIRL IS MINE” I wouldn’t go with him

I would just tell him it was too late, and he should BEAT IT


Dear diary, I did it again
Because I couldn’t take the pain
Dear God why does I have to be like this why
And I have to say goodbye

Dear mom, why do you hate me
I mean, it was you who let this life be
Dear Michael, you can make me smile
But they just last a little while

Dear tabloid, let Michael alone
He have never hurt anyone
Dear you who doesn’t care
Do you think this pain is easy to bare?

Dear you who make me cry so much
Why do you put me through such?
Dear the one who will find my body, death
Don’t try to save me, with your breathe


That’s it
I’m done, reading all your sh1t
That you talk about my dear
And I have no fear
Telling you how I feel about it all
And, why are you talking about his “fall”

He is so much on top
We call him the king of pop
He is the king
I wonder, did you even hear him sing?
Why do you have to lie
Just to make people buy

You are so wrong
But, in the end, you make me strong
For f*ck sake,
How much bullsh1t do we have to take?
Okay, do you understand me?
Or are you too blind to see

The truth about this man
Who he really am
He is not what you say
Not tomorrow, and not today
People belive you,
Sadly they do


Someone put your hand out

Never try to talk about it
It's got to sound good to me inside
I just think about it

I'm so undemanding
'cause they say love is blind
I've lived this life pretending
I can bear this hurt deep inside

The truth is that I'm longing
For love that's so divine
I've searched this whole world wishing
She'll be there time after time

So someone put your hand out
I'm begging for your love
All I do is hand out a heart that needs your love

I've lived my life the lonely
A soul that cries of shame
With handicapped emotions
Save me now from what still remains

I'll be your story hero
A serenading ryne
I'm just needing that someone
Save me now from the path I'm on...

So someone put your hand out
I'm begging for your lovev
All I do is hand out a heart that needs your love

When you say we will dance 'til the light of day
It's just like the children in earth's joy
When we pray will you promise me you'll always stay
It's 'cause I'm needing that someone

So someone put your hand out
I'm begging for your love
All I do is hand out a heart that needs your love


MJ jeg lever pga. dig!

I cried a tear,
you wiped it away
and kissed away all of my fears
its gonna be okay, was what you would say

you put a smile on my face
and hugged me
and I dared to face the days
I gave life one more chance you see

you held me when i wasn't srtong
made me get up
you sang me a song
telling me, I shouldn't give up

when nobody cared
you where there
I know no one dared
to be here


:mike: Se det, er rigtig fan ånd :mike: XP
Michael, when you smile, the wold shines

#2 Bruger er offline   Gregers Ikon 06 May 2006 - 02:08 PM

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OKay det var mange fine tekster/digte... :)
Besøg min side:
25. June 2009: The Day The Music Died!

#3 Bruger er offline   Sunshine Ikon 06 May 2006 - 02:25 PM

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Er det ikke Maja (m-jackson-girl) der har skrevet dem?

:biglaugh: Jeg synes at de er gode.
Jeg kunne specielt godt li det med freedom of speech... det er nemlig det samme jeg har tænkt.....
Michael Jackson is MY king!

MJ: "I'm married to my fans" <3.

Carry the Disney Magic in your heart <3.

#4 Bruger er offline   andersryberg Ikon 06 May 2006 - 02:41 PM

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Læs IndlægSunshine, på May 6 2006, 03:25 PM, sagde:

Er det ikke Maja (m-jackson-girl) der har skrevet dem?

:biglaugh: Jeg synes at de er gode.
Jeg kunne specielt godt li det med freedom of speech... det er nemlig det samme jeg har tænkt.....

jo det er det :lol:
Michael, when you smile, the wold shines

#5 Bruger er offline   M-Jackson-girl Ikon 16 May 2006 - 04:00 PM

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okay, jeg vil lige sætte nogle flere ind! :afroman:

Michaels dirty Diana
Is what I am in my dreams
Michaels fan
Is what I am every day
Michaels girlfriend
Is what I am in my stories
Michaels soldier
Is what I am when people lie
Michaels hater
Is what I am, when I’m not me
Michaels daughter
Is what I wished to be
Michaels friend
Is what I would give all to be


Don’t say yes
When you really mean no
Don’t tell me you love me
When I know you don’t
Don’t promise you’ll stay
When I know you’ll just leave me
Don’t care about me
When I see that is a lie
Don’t tell me right from wrong
When I can’t trust you
Don’t tell me how pretty I am
When I can’t see that myself
Don’t believe I will get better
When I know there is no way out
Don’t warn me about Michael
When I know the truth
Don’t tell me what he is and isn’t
When I know more about him
Don’t blame him for what I go through
When he is the only help I have
Don’t take him away from me
When I know I would die
The One Gloved One
The one gloved one
So much you’ve done

As you trow your hat
You dance with more grace than a cat

When you sing with your amazing voice
You leave me with no choice

And then you grab your grutch
You make me wanna kiss you soo much

You do the moonwalk on the stage
It doesen’t matter if we’re not the same age

Til Paris
Happy birthday Paris
I know your dad, you love and cherrish
8 years already?
Weren’t you just a baby?
Be nice to your daddy alright!
A good life I hope you’ll have in sight
May your teens be easy on you girl
When you get that far, your daddys pearl
Please enjoy your childhood
I really think you should
Don’t have any worries on your mind
May life treat you kind
Don’t grow up too fast
In the future, you’ll look back at your past
And then I hope you’ll do it with a smile
And think, that your life was worth while

til den f**king presse
That’s it
I’m done, reading all your sh1t
That you talk about my dear
And I have no fear
Telling you how I feel about it all
And, why are you talking about his “fall”

He is so much on top
We call him the king of pop
He is the king
I wonder, did you even hear him sing?
Why do you have to lie
Just to make people buy

You are so wrong
But, in the end, you make me strong
For f*ck sake,
How much bullsh1t do we have to take?
Okay, do you understand me?
Or are you too blind to see

The truth about this man
Who he really am
He is not what you say
Not tomorrow, and not today
People belive you,
Sadly they do

With My Senses
You taste like cherries
like strawberries
like chocolate
or like a sugar coated apple

you smell like a peach
like a flower
like summer
or like the freshness from new snow

you sound like an angel
like a nightingale
like a symphony
or like the fine song of a grasshopper

you feel like silk
like a rabbit’s fur
like honey
or like the touch of a summer breeze

You Are Like A Father
like a father, you told me to be strong
And never do anything wrong
But unlike my father, you where there
When I needed you, though you weren’t here

You told me things where gonna be okay, like my father should
He wasn’t there when I needed him, and oh, he could
my father was so untrue, unlike you, who showed me love
And miracles from above

He broke my heart, but you healed it
You cared, he was just a piece of ****
You dried my eyes when he should have done that
But he had left and now I think he’s just a nasty rat

I never met him, but I hate him so much
I never met you, but I love you, I wonder if we’d ever touch
You could make me smile, he only made me cry
You always told me the truth, he was all about a lie

You have children of you own
And love for them, I know you’ve shown
I hear you say how proud of them you are
I’m so happy for them, to have a father, who aren’t from them far

My Dear
You where born in 1958 my dear
You where naked my dear
No one knew what waited for you my dear
One day they put you on a stage my dear
You sang so beautiful my dear
But you where just a child my dear

They told you, you where a star my dear
At the age of 12, girls screamed your name my dear
You sang every night my dear
There where no time for you to play my dear
You grew up too fast my dear
But you where just a child my dear

Do you know, they used you my dear
You cared about stuff, that shouldn’t be on a child’s mind my dear
When you where a teenager, the press haunted you my dear
You never had privacy my dear
You felt so alone my dear
But you where just a child my dear

A Letter To The One
I Sent you a letter
Did you read it?
Oh, you better
I wrote the truth, you know I did

I wrote that I love you
And that’s no lie
Oh, yeah I’m true
For you I’d even die

But that’s just word
And letters on a line
What is they worth
You know, I’d love you to be mine

But if I called you up
My mouth would be mute
And the talking would stop
Before I told you, you look good in a suit

How do you tell
Some one of your kind
I think you got some spell
Doing these things to my mind

I cant think
Of anyone else
What suits me, red or pink?
This strong feeling is putting me through hells

What I got for you is love
Though we’ve never met
You are a gift from above
On you my heart is set

You are the only one
Yeah you are
I don’t know what to do when you’re gone
You healed my hearts scar

You Are The Only One
You are the only one
The shining sun
Oh, yeah you are
The one who heals my scares
You give me heath
And get me up from my seat
You told me how to dance
I found friendship in your fans

Since the day I saw you
Even though it was you they would sue
I fell in love after one glimpse
And I’ve been in love ever since
Your voice is like chocolate
Your lyrics give me back faith
You are in all my dreams
Oh yeah I think of you always it seems

Before I didn’t want to live
But now I got so much to give
Oh yeah you are the king,
Of more than just one thing
Not only of music
Of my heart too, just so you know it
Now I believe in love
And gifts from above

Cause you showed me your magic
And I forgot the things that where tragic
You stopped my tears from falling
When my heart was crippled and crawling
You showed me that the world could get better
And that why I had to send you that letter
Telling you what you did to me
Cause you saved my life, that’s the truth you see!

I Love Your Entire Body...
Your hair is so gorgeous
I would love to run my finger through it, so gorgeous
When it shines in the light, my eyes cry a tear, cause it’s so gorgeous
When it falls down in you face, I wanna remove it, so gorgeous

Your mind is so beautiful
I would love to be in your mind, so beautiful
When it thinks, I wanna know what it thinks of, so beautiful
When it hurts, I wanna comfort you, so beautiful

Your eyes shine like candles
I would love for those eyes to see me in the light of candles
When they glimpse my heart lights up like candles
When they see, they are so amazing, just like 2 candles

Your nose is so sweet
I would love to kiss it so sweet
When it smells, I want the scent to be my perfume so sweet
When it tells you, what it smells like, I want the message to be, she is so sweet

Your lips are so smooth
I would love to kiss them, so smooth
When they smile I get so smooth
When they talk, I hear every word, so smooth

Your heart is so amazing
I would love it to beat for me so amazing
When it brakes, I wanna be there for u, so amazing
When it tells you what to do, please let it say, go with that girl, so amazing

Your hands are so strong
I would love for them to hug me, so strong
When they wave I wish they waved for me, so strong
When they wipe a tear from your cheek, I wanna do their job so strong

Your legs are so fantastic
I would love to give them massage, when they are sore, so fantastic
When they dance, they do it perfect, so fantastic
When they walk, I wanna follow them everywhere, so fantastic

For You I Would...
For You I’ll sing a song
But I would end up doing it wrong
Cause I can’t sing like you
So I’ll just shut up, and listen to you

For you I’ll dance a dance
But I would get laughs from your fans
Cause I can’t dance like you
So I’ll just stand still, watching you

For You I’ll write a lyric
But I would end up getting sick
Cause I can’t write like you
So I’ll just read those written by you

For you I’ll draw a picture
But I wouldn’t like it for sure
Cause I can’t draw like you
So I’ll just stop, and look at those made by you

For you I’ll play on the piano
But I would end up screaming, “nooo”
Cause I cant play like you
So I’ll just sit down and see done by you

But maybe you could teach me?
I wanna learn it all you see!
So should we take some single lessons me and you?
Cause I wanna be just as good as you

Michael Jackson
-Michael you are my hero
-Whithout you i am zero
-I love you more than any one
-Even your own son
-Without you i would die
-But with you I can fly
-Oh Michael you see
-You really saved me
-Pleace don't ever go
-Cause i love you so

nok mest til dem der ikke forstår jeg er fan...
-When i was lonely, you weren't there,
-Michael was.
-When i was down, you waren't there,
-Michael was.
-When I cried, you didn't dry my eyes,
-Michael did.
-When I wanted to die, you didn't do anything to help me,
-Michael did.

ingen titel......
-Will I ever meet you?
-Will my dream ever come true?
-Will you ever know how I feel?
-And that my love for you is real?
-When I see your smile
-I believe that life is still woth while

-Your songs tell me the world will be okay
-At least some day...
-If I havent heard your song
-I wouldn't be alive today, thats so wrong
-'Cause I'm far too young to die
-Sadly all people do is lie

-Thats what I found out
-So all I did was Pout.
-But now I'm so happy
-'Cause of you I'll never feel crappy
-This poem will do no justice, to some one of your kind
-But i have to tell you, you really blew my mind
Skrevet Billede

And It Doesn't Seem To Matter
And It Doesn't Seem Right
'Cause The Will Has Brought
No Fortune
Still I Cry Alone At Night
Don't You Judge Of My Composure
'Cause I'm Bothered Everyday
And He Didn't Leave A Letter
He Just Up And Ran Away

^^^^Dedikeret Til Min Far...^^^^

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